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Hey there! These are a couple of my MOST recent photos. I hope you'll enjoy's alot more RECENT than the ones I have in muh homepayge!But there are TWO that I just added...that are the MOST MOST MOST recent ones! But I will still add in a couple more pix for ya'll to see. Hopefully..I will have the time to get back on..and scan some more!ALL THESE PICTURES ARE REALLY HUGE! IT MIGHT TAKE SOME TIME FOR IT TO DOWNLOAD! PAAALLLEEEZZEEE BE PATIENT!!=)

*~*Lady In Red!*~*~

Sounds Corny doesn't it? Well..I like this pix!!

*~*Me in Black and White*~*~

*~*Me As a Hoochie!*~*~

I really ain't no was all FUN photography!

*~*Sweet Innocence*~*~

This beeh muh favorite picture!!!!

*~*Me and muh Man Quan*~*~

I'm warnin' ya! This PICTURE is HUGE!!!!

*~*~This is me at a Te^'t Fashion Show*~*~

(In my a'o da`i)

*~* in a Te^'t Fashion Show*~*

(In my Tha'i outfit)

*~*~AGAIN! in a Te^'t Fashion Show*~*~

(In my Ba'c outfit)

*~*This is me in muh room a couple months ago*~*

*~*~Dayam...So Many of ME!*~*

*~*Me and my Sister Janice*~*

I am the one on the RIGHT

*~*Muh Homeboii "Q.T."*~*~
