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ViEt PrIdE To Da PhuLLeSt!


My country, My Pride

Will Stay like that until I die.

We are birds that fly

From Coast to Coast.

White and Black Think We Are A Fool

So I stood up with my Pride.

I am the color of yellow and red

I showed my fellows...

That is my blood.

We use to be the North and South

But Now We are East and West

To get it all we must finish the Rest.

Other country tried u will see....

That we are the familieto take our land

But never get it cuz of our Pride.

Coast to Coast yos of Vietnamese.

WorldWide from United State to Vietnam

We are the population of everywhere.

I am the True Vietnamese

I have the right to write in Viet

Du Ma Ai Khong Phai Viet!

I just wanted ya'll tah kno' dat I am DAMN proud tah be a vietnamese. Not everyone is lucky enuff tah be I feel DAMN lucky tah have "viet blood" in meeh. VIET PRIDE WORLD WIDE BAYBIE!!
