Nicole Gina Carter was born somewhere 19 years ago I think.
He has a sister I mean brother named Aaron. He later changed his name to Nicolas Gene Carter after his sex change. Oops I wasn't supposed to tell. Oh well. She has three pugs or something. One named Willie? Other named Mike and the other I have no clue.
He went to Rainbow Brite Middle School, failed her 8th grade year, tried it over, but gave up and dropped out of school. Too bad he couldn't reach his goal to join his town's school's cheerleading squad.
Her hobbies include playing with broomsticks (uhh...), drilling holes in the wall(why???), and petting his si- brother.
I heard he plays basketball. And that she has good ball handling skills (Well if he does, I'm sure it's not his OWN cuz she don't got any).
His favorite store is Fags R Us. He also shops at K Mart.
Whether he's a girl or boy is still undetermined.
So excuse my changing of pronouns from his to her to she to he.
He is the youngest of the Backstreet Boys, and was recently caught butt *ing his boyfriend and later admitted he was homosexual.
He has blond hair, blue eyes, and really red lips.
There are some pictures that fool ur eye--you first think 'Oh what a pretty woman!' but then realize it's Nick Carter
Her talents include: Picking his nose + then flinging it at someone 200 ft away, holding the world record for the contest 'Who can eat the most hamburgers in 2 minutes?', wearing baggy clothes to cover up his fats pretending to make a fasion statement, and causing the most earthquakes.