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Links to Cyberspace

Welcome to the launchpad to the online universe.Attitune does not endorse any of the sites on this page.We provide these links because we think they are cool some have been suggested by others.If you know a cool site e-mail and we'll put it on this page.Stay tuned as we develop.Thanks.
back toAttitune homepage. Update February 1, 2003
Someday we will improve this website. We've been working trying to set up shows . We met the incredible psychedelic rockers The JUGGLING SUNS who play 5 nights a week at many great venues. They have a great gig coming up tonight Feb.1st at Pauls Tavern in Belmar on Main St at 18th St. Only $3.00. We also met a great metal band called TRACE OF A SHADOW. PARMENIDES has a new website with great Techno music along with good old fashioned blues.
ATTITUNE may be playing in NYC at a private party February 8, 2003. We are looking forward to an opportunity to open up for a DRUM CIRCLE and are hoping some of the drummers will join us.
We are also looking at setting up gigs in the Asbury Park area possibly even at JIMI a great new club located next to the Stone Pony. Check out POST420's free original music at to all the people who checked out ATTITUNE's free shows. Thanks to everyone who helped out, Thanks to all the people that played in the open mikes, Thanks for the great artwork.