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An Introduction for Seekers of Truth

"Arise to further My Cause, and to exalt My Word amongst men."~Bahá'u'lláh

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Dear Seeker of Truth,

The Bahá'í Faith is an independent World Religion of over 6 million members worldwide. It was founded in 1863 by Bahá'u'lláh (1817-1893) in Baghdad, Iraq. Bahá'u'lláh ("bah-HAH-ool-LAW") was born Mirza Husein Ali Noori ("Prince Mercy Exalted of Light"); a Persian nobleman Who was a direct descendant of King Cyrus of Persia and King David of Israel (via Bostanai, the Jewish Exilarch of Iraq). He had "Noor" (Arabic: "Light") for a "covering" or Surname.

The name Bahá'u'lláh in Arabic means "THE GLORY OF GOD".

The family of Bahá'u'lláh sat upon the THRONE OF DAVID; because they were the rightful heirs of the Davidic Throne.

"I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant.
Thy seed will I establish forever, and build up thy throne unto all generations." (Psalms 89:3-4)
Bahá'u'lláh was a descendant of Bostanai (618-670 A.D.) and the Persian princess Dara; given in marriage to Bostanai by the Imaam Ali; the son-in-law of Muhammad and first Imaam of Shi'a Islaam. Bostanai was a direct male descendant of King David, and sat upon the Throne of David in exile. The male descendants of Bostanai via his wife Dara became Shi'ite Muslims, and migrated to Elam, and from Elam the House of David led Arab armies that overthrew the king and princes of Persia, and conquered them.

"And I will set my throne in Elam, and will destroy from thence king and princes, saith the LORD." (Jeremiah 49:38)

The father of Bahá'u'lláh; a direct descendant of the firsborn son of Bostanai, and heir to the Throne of David

The Forerunner ("John the Baptist") of Bahá'u'lláh was Siyyid Muhammad Ali Shirazi (1820-1850); known as "THE BÁB" ("The Gate"); a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and the prophesied IMAAM MAHDÍ (Divinely-Guided Leader) of Shi'ite Islaam. He was martyred in Tabriz, Iran, in 1850.

The Bahá'í Faith accepts the following Messengers of God as true Manifestations of God (i.e. incarnations of the Names/Attributes of God):

Bahá'u'lláh is the Messenger of God for our Day.

Jesus Returns As A Thief in the Night

Jesus returned to earth "as a thief in the night" when He appeared to the prophet Muhammad at night in a cave unannounced (as a thief would) on Mount Hira in 610 A.D., when He came with a SHOUT and the voice of the archangel Gabriel. He SHOUTED to Muhammad three times "IQUAA!" ("RECITE!") and revealed to Muhammad the al-QU'RAN (Arabic: "The Recital"). At that moment those asleep in Christ (all Christians who had died and were the unconscious dead) were raptured (caught up into the heavenly realm) in the Unseen World; in the twinking of a eye.

Jesus (as the archangel Gabriel) appears as a thief in the night to Muhammad on Mount Hira in 610 A.D.

In the Epistle of the Apostles (a book purportedly written by Peter and Jesus' other apostles) they quote Jesus as saying:

On the day when I took the form of Gabriel, I appeared unto Mary and spake with her. Her heart accepted me, and she believed, and I formed myself and entered her body. I became flesh." (Epistle of the Apostles, v.14)
According to The Second Book of Enoch, the archangel Gabriel stands on the right hand of God (2 Enoch 24:1). Stephen, a disciple of Jesus mentioned in the Book of Acts, was stoned to death because, while before the Sanhedrin (Jewish Council), he claimed to have a vision of Jesus in heaven "standing on the right-hand of God" (Acts 7:56).

That Jesus stands on the right-hand of God is confirmed by Peter (Acts 2:32-33), Luke (Luke 22:69), and Paul (Ephesians 1:19, Hebrews 10:12).

Bahá'ís believe that the Angels are the Names/Attributes of God that take on form when communicating with humans. These same Names/Attributes can and do incarnate as SupraHuman Beings the Bahá'ís call "Manifestations of God".

When Christians think of "Jesus Christ" they think of One Being with two natures (100% God and 100% Man). When Bahá'ís think of "Jesus Christ" they think of "Jesus" (the Prophet) and "Christ" (the WORD of God); two Being Who shared one body.

"JESUS" was a Prophet; a Manifestation of God. He was an incarnation of a Name/Attribute of God.

"CHRIST" was the WORD of God. The Creator of the Cosmos. ALLÁH said "BE!" and the Cosmos was created. Christ (the WORD) is the "BE!".

Christ entered Jesus at His baptism.

Bahá'u'lláh wrote:

"O Jews! If ye be intent on crucifying once again Jesus, the Spirit of God, put Me to death, for He hath once more, in My Person, been made manifest unto you." (Gleanings, p.101)

The Holy Spirit enters the body of Jesus at His baptism

The Spirit of Bahá'u'lláh (the Father) leaves Jesus on the Cross, and Jesus exclaims: "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?" (Matt. 27:46)

Just as the Spirit of Bahá'u'lláh dwelt in Jesus for 3 years, so the Spirit of Christ dwelt in Bahá'u'lláh for 40 years; as the prophet Micah foretold:

"According to the days of thy [Israel's] coming out of Egypt [40 years wandering] will I shew unto him marvelous things." (Micah 7:15)

Jesus, speaking through Him, spoke of Bahá'u'lláh:

The Kingdom of God circleth around Him and it is because of His love that the Cross was adorned with My body. Verily, I arose from the dead to complete my menion of His Name amongst men. O People of the Gospel! Do not make mention of Me if you have turned away from My Father, the All-Glorious." (Revealed on the Day of Ridwan, p.1)
Just as Jesus was the Manifestation of God the Son on Earth so Bahá'u'lláh was the Manifestation of God the Father on Earth.

This fulfilled Jesus' promised that He would return "in" the Glory of His Father. Jesus spoke Aramaic (a language related to Arabic), and in Aramaic (as in Arabic) "The Glory of God the Father" is "Bahá'u'lláh" ("Baha"=Glory + "u"=of + "llah"=Allah/God the Father).

Jesus spoke Aramaic, and the Aramaic word for "glory" of "baha"; the same as in Arabic. In Aramaic, the word for GOD is "Allah"; just like in Arabic. Jesus did not speak English. Whenever Jesus said "God" He actually said "ALLAH". Whenever He said "Glory" He said "BAHA".

Jesus said:

"When the Son of Man shall come in His Glory..then He will sit upon the throne of His Glory." (Matt. 25:31)
Jesus said that the Son of Man (Himself) would return "in" the Glory [Baha] of His Father [Allah]:
"For the Son of Man shall come in the glory [baha] of his father [Allah] with his angels [messengers]." (Matth. 16:27)
In Arabic, "The Glory of God" is written "Bahá'u'lláh".

The Names/Attributes of God

For Bahá'ís, GOD is a SPIRIT that has no shape, no form, no body, but 95 Names and Attributes (mentioned in the Qur'an). The Essence of GOD does not incarnate, but His Names/Attributes can and do; each with a different name and mission to perform.

For Bahá'ís, the Holy Spirit and God the Father is the same Being. There is no Trinity of 3, but rather 9 Manifestations of God along with many Prophets who are the incarnations of the 95 Names/Attributes of God. The prophet Muhammad said:

"He who has seen Me has seen THE TRUTH [al-Haqq]" (Sahih Bukhari 9:87:125)
One of the 95 Names of God in the Qur'an is Al-HAQQ (THE TRUTH). Muhammad was NOT "GOD" but rather a Manifestation of God, or an incarnation of one of the Name/Attributes of God (in His case "THE TRUTH"). Jesus was the incarnation of the WORD of God, and Bahá'u'lláh was the incarnation of the GLORY of God.


Bahá'ís also believe in many SEERS who were not "prophets" (in the Bahá'í sense of the word), but ordinary human beings who had divine visions. And these include: Guru Nanak, Emmanuel Swedenborg, Joseph Smith, Ellen G. White, Yogananda, Ramakrishna, and many others.

The Holy Ghost Incarnate

Bahá'u'lláh is NOT the return of Jesus! He never claimed to be.

Bahá'u'lláh claimed to be the incarnation of the Holy Ghost; otherwise known as THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH!

Jesus said:

"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you unto all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify Me."(John 16:13-14)
Bahá'u'lláh wrote:
"Verily, He Who is the Spirit of Truth is now come to guide you unto all truth. He speaketh not as prompted by His own self, but as bidden by Him Who is the All-Wise. Say, this is the One Who hath glorified the Son and hath exalted His Cause." (Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh, p.12)
Bahá'u'lláh is the Promised Spirit of Truth Who was sent by God to "teach us all things" pertaining to the Kingdom of God on Earth. His mission was also to save all Humanity from the coming Final Doom (the extinction of mankind). The way that Humanity will be saved is via the establishment of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh; otherwise known as the City of New Jerusalem.

Christians await the descent of the City of New Jerusalem from Heaven. This is a symbol of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh that shall rule the planet for 1000 literal years

Bahá'u'lláh wrote many books, including the MOST HOLY BOOK (Kitab-i-Aqdas); which will form the basis of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh.

Bahá'u'lláh was exiled from His native Iran to Baghdad, Iraq, where He established His Faith in 1863. He was further exiled to the prison city of Akka, in Palestine (now Israel). In 1890 Bahá'u'lláh pitched His tent upon Mount Carmel, and recited the Tablet of Carmel, which was His announcement to the world that the Throne of David had been re-established upon the Mountain of God.

Bahá'u'lláh died in 1892. After death He appeared to a number of disciples, and even to the Muslim mulla (minister) of Akka. Before death He appointed His eldest Son, Abbas Effendi ("Sir Lion"), Who took the title of 'Abdu'l-Baha (obdul-bahHAH), to be the Head of the Faith and Interpreter of His Writings. Bahá'u'lláh refered to His Son Âbbas as "The Master" and "The Mystery of God" and "The Most Great Branch" and...

"A WORD which God hath ordained with the ornament of His own Self, and made It sovereign over the earth and all that is therein." (World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, p.135)

'Abdu'l-Baha (c. 1868)

'Abdu'l-Baha (1844-1921) was the "Mother Teresa" of His day; quite well-known among the Intelligencia of Europe and America.

'Abdu'l-Baha had a peace conference in London (1911)
The teachings of 'Abdu'l-Baha inspired the formation of many peace, woman's sufferage (voting rights), and race-unity movements at the turn of the century.

From 1911 until 1913 He travelled to Paris, London, New York City, Chicago, Salt Lake City, and San Francisco. Many early British and American Bahá'ís believed He was the re-incarnation of Jesus. 'Abdu'l-Baha told the Friends (Believers) that He would accept no title other than "Servant of Glory" (Arabic: 'Abdu'l-Baha).

In Haifa, Palestine (now Israel), 'Abdu'l-Baha took care of the poor and dying; often feeding and washing the sick and diseased Himself. One year before a famine that struck northern Israel and southern Lebanon, 'Abdu'l-Baha had many fields bought and ordered extra crops to be grown; thus saving tens of thousands (mostly Arab Muslims and Druze and Turks, Christian Arminiansm and a some Jewish colonists) from starvation during the famine. He knew there would be a famine one year before the famine struck. Because of this act, and many others, He was knighted "Sir Abbas Effendi 'Abdu'l-Baha" by the British in 1920 (when the British took control of Palestine from the Turks).

'Abdu'l-Baha was never known to have lied, or raised His voice in anger. When wealthy American and British Bahá'ís came to visit Him in Haifa (1900-1921A.D.) He would personal wait upon their servants first; who were usually black. He taught that all races were equal in the sight of God, and that men should be judged by their hearts and not their skin color. When rich American and British Bahá'ís offered to give Him money, He told them to give the money to the poor. When they asked Him how they could serve God best, He told them to feed the hungry, and cloth the poor, and to wash and care for the dying and lepers.

In 1911 when wealthy British Bahá'ís bought Him a firstclass ticket on a new luxury ship named the Titanic they could not understand why He refused to go and took a smaller and less sea-worthy vessel to sail to America.

'Abdu'l-Baha is known to have raised at least one man from the dead (Mirza Jafar of Akka), and many American and British Bahá'ís who visited Him in Haifa reported that He would speak to the husband in the parlor of His house and speak to the wife in the garden in the back of His house at the same time. He would appear at different places, to different people, at the same time.

'Abdu'l-Baha in Paris (1911)

'Abdu'l-Baha (1844-1921) was not a Manifestation of God. He was not an Incarnation of one of the 95 Names/Attributes of God.

Who was He?

The Book of Revelations speaks of the "Lamb of God" with 7 Eyes and 7 Horns; which represent the "seven Spirits of God" (Rev. 5:6). The Lamb of God is the WORD of God. The 7 Eyes/Horns/Spirits represent the WORD of God incarnating 7 times on earth.

Jesus Christ was two Divine Beings in one body. He was "the Father and the Son" in one body. Jesus was the Messenger of God, the Prophet, the Manifestation of God, the Incarnation of a Name/Attribute of GOD. Christ was the Lamb of God, the Incarnate WORD of GOD.

Christ entered Jesus at the moment He came up out of the water, and a voice was heard from heaven saying:

"And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straighway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were openned unto him ,and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighted upon him." (Matt. 3:16)
In the Gospels of the Hebrews it says:
"And it came to pass when the Lord (Jesus) was come up out of the water, the whole font of the Holy Spirit descended upon him and rested upon him and said to him: My Son, in all the prophets was I waiting for three that thou shouldest come and I might rest in thee. For thou art my rest; thou art my firstbegotten Son. that reigneth forever." (New Testament Apocrypha 1:164)
Christ left Jesus on the Cross; which caused Jesus to exclaim:
"Eli, Eli, lama sabchtani? My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46)
JESUS=Messenger of God. Prophet. Incarnation of a Name/Attribute of GOD.

CHRIST=WORD of God. Holy Spirit. Spirit of God. Creator of the COSMOS. Father of the Cosmos.

Jesus Christ was both a Manifestation of God, and the Incarnate WORD (Lamb of God), but not the "only" time the WORD has incarnated on earth! Melchizedek was such an incarnation.

Melchizedek (c. 2000 B.C.) King of Salem. Priest of the Most High God. Friend of Abraham.

Twelve million Muslims in Turkey and Syria (called Alevis) consider Alí the son-in-law of Muhammad to be one of the incarnations of the WORD (and thus Jesus re-incarnated). Alí said: "I am the Most Great Word" (Kitab al-Kashf, p.8), and he said of Jesus: "I am He, and He is Me" (ibid.).

Alí ibn Talib (left) and Jesus (right--from a Greek Orthodox portrait). Ali ibn Talib was the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad. Successor and first Imaam of Shia Islaam. Seen by 12 Million Alevis and Alawis and Nusaris in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq as Jesus re-incarnated. Seen by all Shia Muslims as the true Successor to Muhammad the First of the 12 Imaams. His direct descendant was Muhammad Alí Shirazí (called "The Báb").

The WORD of God incarnated 3 times before Jesus, then as Jesus, and 3 times after Jesus. This is the meaning of the Jewish Menorah:

The 7 lamps represent the 7 Spirits, or the 7 Incarnations of the WORD of God. Jesus represents the lamp in the middle; the One supporting all the other lamps. Jesus was the WORD Incarnate as well as an Incarnation of One of the Names/Attributes of God.

This is NOT to say that Bahá'ís believe in re-incarnation! Human souls do not re-incarnate on this planet, but spend 1 life per planet. Human souls come to this planet one time and one time only. Other lives are for other worlds. Our actions in this life determines the circumstances of our birth on those worlds.

The Souls of the Prophets are the Names/Attributes of GOD (without beginning and without end), and the 7 Souls (7 Spirits) of the WORD of God, the Spotless Lamb, are both not human souls.

As the Sun expands outward the Earth will become like Venus, and Mars will become like the Earth. Each planet in this solar system will become life-bearing; in its own turn and time. Each planet will enter the "Zone of Life" that the Earth presently now occupies; not to close to the Sun, and not too far away from it.

We pre-existed on planets before this planet, and we will have lives on other planets. What situation we will be born into (i.e. into nobilty and health or in poverty and disease) is determined by our actions on this planet.

One day, billions of years in the future, the planet Pluto will be in the "zone of life" and will be able to support life; because the Sun will be 100 times the size it is now.

So, Bahá'ís do not believe in the popular notions of "re-incarnation"; that human souls have many lifetimes on this planet. Like the womb of our mothers, this planet is a womb for human souls, and we come here one time only.

Other lifetimes on other planets are a certainty. One life per planet.

But...the WORD of God, the Lamb of God, is not a human soul, but the Divine WORD with 7 souls. The Lamb of God has Incarnated 7 times on this planet.

"And the Lord shall be red in his apparel, and his garment like him that treadth in the wine vat."(from a Mormon book of revelation called "The Doctrine & Covenants" section 133 verse 48)

Bahá'ís believe that 'Abdu'l-Baha (Obdul-Bahah) had a "unique station". Bahá'ís view Him as a Perfect Man; a human being Who obtained a state of sinlessness in mortality (Jesus is seen as sinless but SupraHuman, like all the Manifestations of God). He is not viewed as a Prophet minor or otherwise. 'Abdu'l-Baha wrote of Jesus:

"He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the One that will give unto him that is athirst of the Fountain of the Water of Life and bestow upon the sick the remedy of true salvation." (Selections, p.12
'Abdu'l-Baha was Knighted "Sir Abbas Effendi 'Abdu'l-Baha" by the British Crown in 1920 for His work among the poor (He was the "Mother Teresa" of His day). He visited Europe and America in 1911-1912. He predicted World War I and the Spanish Influenza (which killed over 50 million) years before they occured. He visited Salt Lake City, Utah, in September of 1912. He died in 1921.

Before His death He appointed His grandson Shoghi Effendi Rabbani (1897-1957) to be His successor and the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith. Shoghi Effendi prophesied of the Internet, World War II, the Holocaust, and many other things; as a Seer (not a prophet). On March 11th, 1936, Shoghi wrote:

"A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed from natural hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with marvellous swiftness and perfect regularity." (The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, p.203)
He died in 1957.

Shoghi Effendi (c.1940)

Shoghi Effendi ("shawghee ef-fendee") is not considered to be a Prophet lesser or otherwise. He did prophesy and have visions of the future; which made him a Seer. He is called "The Guardian"; because he was under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and his writings are considered an infallible guide for the Friends everywhere. Bahá'ís refer to each other as "the Friends".

Between 1957 and 1963 the Faith was governed by 27 "Hands of the Cause" (i.e. apostles); all of them appointed by Shoghi Effendi.

Hands of the Cause (c. 1960)

Since 1963 the Bah´'í Faith has been governed by a council of 9 men elected every 5 years called "The Universal House of Justice"; headquartered at the Bahá'í World Centre in Haifa, Israel. The "House" as it is called, is not a building, but a council of 9 men elected every 5 years by delegates from the National Spiritual Assemblies (national councils) throughout the world.

The Universal House of Justice (photo: 1963)

Today (2006) there are over 6 million Bahá'ís throughout the world; with 170,000 in the United States.

People who are not Bahá'ís, but who seek to know what the Bahá'í Message is, are called "Seekers". Bahá'ís welcome all Seekers of Truth with open arms!

Bahá'ís are forbidden by Holy Law to debate or argue about religion, but you are more then welcome to come to a Public Meeting and ask the Friends questions and request free literature. Just call the 800 number, or click on REQUEST INFO below.

Some Bahá'í Teachings and Practices

The teachings of the Bahá'í Faith include:

*There is only one God.
*The Names/Attributes of God incarnate on Earth as Perfect Men known as "Manifestations of God" (Major Prophets)
*Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, JESUS, Muhammad, The Báb, Bahá'u'lláh and Others were Manifestations of God.
*Jesus was the virgin-born Son of God and very Savior of mankind.
*Jesus' blood on the Cross did atone for the sins and iniquities of all mankind.
*Bahá'u'lláh is the promised Spirit of Truth Who has come to teach us all things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
*Hell is not eternal, but a purification for rebellious souls.
*Heaven and Hell are not geographical places but "conditions of the soul" that "manifest" in the Afterlife. If we are born again in this life then our Afterlife shall appear as Heaven. If we are not born again in this life then the Afterlife shall be to us as Hell. To be born-again means to be spiritually transformed by the Spirit of God. One need not be a Christian, nor even a Bahá'í to be born-again.
*Those spiritually blind in this life shall be literally blind in the Afterlife.
*Rejection of the Bahá'í Message does not send one to Hell. Rejecting the Bahá'í Message is an outward sign that a person is already spiritually blind before they hear the Message.
*The Voice of Bahá'u'lláh is the Voice of the Good Shepherd. His sheep shall recognize the Voice of their Shepherd. One "hears" the Voice of Bahá'u'lláh by listening to His Words being recited by the Believers. The sheep will recognize His Voice. The sheep shall be separated from the goats in this manner.
*Spiritual progress is possible for all in the Afterlife; which is a journey through the Worlds of God. There is no eternal/unending punishment.
*Men and women are equal in the signt of God and should have equal rights and opportunities.
*All the races are of equal value and should have equal rights.
*Salvation (exemption from Hell-fire) is by the grace of God, but what reward in Heaven (the Worlds of God) we shall receive is determined by our actions in this life; regardless as to which religion we belong to or if even if we claim no religion.
*All Religions are from God; save a few manufactured by human perversity.
*Marriage is between a man and woman only. Liwat (homosexual acts) is likened to adultery and fornication, and are forbidden in the Faith. Gay and Lesbian Bahá'ís are expected to remain celebate or seek to change their sexual orientation if possible (and this is possible in some cases when there is prayer coupled with determination and spiritual transformation)
*Prayer must accompany healing, but those sick should seek a physician.
*Polygamy and polyamory (free love) are forbidden.
*Sex outside of heterosexual marriage is forbidden. Pornography and masturbation is discouraged.
*Drinking alcohol is forbidden. Smoking is allowed but discouraged.
*Use of narcotics illegally is forbidden.
*Eating meat is allowed, but vegitarianism is encouraged.
*Confessing of sins to other human beings, gossipping and backbiting, are forbidden.
*Work is a form of worship and should be looked upon as a scrifice to God.
*A daily prayer is obligatory.
*Personal cleanliness in speech, dress, and hygiene is mandatory.
*Belonging to a political party is forbidden unless required by the State. Engaging in politics is forbidden. Voting is allowed and encouraged.
*Being in the military in combat-arms is forbidden unless one is forced by the State.
*Cross-dressing is forbidden.
*Hair covering the ears of men is forbidden.
*Abortion used as a form of birth-control is forbidden.
*Communicating with the dead, astology, and the practice of magick is discouraged.
*One may use lethal force to protect oneself and others from harm.
*Guns may be kept in the home in high-crime areas if allowed by law.
*Birth-control is allowed if it does not involve aborting a conceptus.
*We live only one life per planet (no reincarnation on this planet, but other lives on other planets)
*Humanity will go through the Calamity which will end our present world order and prepare the Earth for the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh.
*Humanity is facing the FINAL DOOM unless it establishes the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh.
*The three false gods of the 20th century are racism, communism, and materialism.
*Muhammad was a true Prophet and Manifestation of God. He was the "Faithful and True" mentioned in the Book of Revelations.
*Prophets are infallible Messengers of God. Seers are ordinary people who have visions and can receive revelation, but they are fallible.
*The 144,000 (1+4+4+0+0+0="9") is a symbol of the Bahá'ís. The word BAHA (GLORY) in Arabic equals "9".
*The Rapture occured in 610 A.D. when Jesus (as Gabriel) appeared to Muhammad "as a thief in the night" and SHOUTED "IQUAA!" ("RECITE") three times; revealing to Muhammad the al-Qur'an ("the Recital").
*Jesus arose not in His physical body (which vanished) but in His ethereal body which could only been seen in visions. He did not ascend into space with a material body. His disciples saw a "vision" on the Mount of Olives; not a literal physical event.
*The End-Times Anti-Christ of the Book of Revelations refers to the Roman Emporers (specifically Nero and Hadrian), and not to some person in the future.
*The Battle of Armageddon refers to a literal battle between British and Turkish forces, at Megiddo, in 1914. It has already occurred.
*The False Prophet of the Book of Revelations refers to Simon Magus (a comtemporary of Jesus and the Apostles), and has no reference to any man in our day or in the future.
*The Man of Sin refers to the Roman Emperor Hadrian; who set up a stature of himself and demanded the Jews worship it (proclaiming himself "God") in the rebuilt Jewish Temple in 130 A.D.; which caused the second Jewish Revolt which ended in the Jews being exiled from Palestine.
*The Signs in the Heavens (i.e. Sun Darkening, Moon turning to blood, stars falling from heaven) have already occurred, and this is explained in the book Thief in the Night by William Sears.
*The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh will be based upon the 12 Principles of World Unity and the Most Holy Book.
*World Peace will be established via the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh.
*The Most Holy Book is the basis of the Holy Law that shall direct nations and men and women for 1000 years (the Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh).
*Soon after the end of the Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh (about 2863 A.D.) a new Manifestation of God shall be born on this planet.
*Mankind will discover intelligent life on other worlds in about 3,000 to 4,000 years from now.
*Mankind will colonize the galaxy if it repents and averts the FINAL DOOM.

Bahá'ís ascending to the Shrine of The Báb (Haifa, Israel)


The Mission of Bahá'u'lláh was to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; referred to in the Book of Revelations as "The City of New Jerusalem"; the 1000 years of Peace on Earth, Good Will towards Men.

The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh will save Mankind from the FINAL DOOM; which is the destruction of Earth:

Humanity has a CHOICE; either to submit to the Will of God (His Will is revealed via the Holy Writings of Bahá'u'lláh) or face the just Wrath of God upon a sinful and disobedient humanity.

The Choice is ours to make.

Darrick Evenson

Free Book Offer!!!

Thief in the Night is a 320 page softcover book by Bahá'í Hand of the Cause William Sears. It reveals the Bible prophecies that point to Bahá'u'lláh as well as how the "signs in the heavens" mentioned by Jesus in Matthew chapter 24 (Sun darkening, Moon turning to blood, stars falling from Heaven) have already taken place in history at or near the beginning of the Bahá'í Revelation! The book reads like a detective story. This book is YOURS FREE simply by going to a Bahá'í Public Meeting which local Bahá'í Communities hold once a month. These Public Meetings last about one hour, and include the showing of a video about the Faith, a brief question-and-answer period, and the serving of some light refreshments. ALL ARE INVITED! Dress is casual. Admission is FREE! Smoking allowed outside of building only. To find-out where the nearest Public Meeting is being held to where you live, please go REQUEST INFO or call:

1-800-228-6483 is a 24-hour toll-free number active in the Continental U.S. only! Everybody else please click on


You will be mailed free literature and the address and telephone number of the nearest local Bahá'í Community. No missionary will come to your door. If you want to hear the Bahá'í Message you must go to the Bahá'í Center nearest you and ask questions! You must choose to become a Seeker. Listen to the prayers recited, and see if you recognize the Voice of God.

Other Websites

The 19 Essentials of the Bahá'í Faith

The Bahá'ís: Christians of the SECOND Advent

The Bahá'í Faith: An Introduction for LDS Seekers of Truth

Bahá'í Photo Album