by Darrick T. Evenson

A few of the world's 6 million Bahá'ís

This article reveals the Truth about the Second Coming of Christ as "a thief in the night" and "in the glory of His Father" and "in the clouds of heaven", the Mark of the Beast, the number of the Beast ("666"), the "Image" of the Beast", the Man of Sin, the Woman-Clothed-With-The-Sun, the Red Dragon, the meaning of Jesus' Parable of the Lord of the Vineyard, the Great Tribulation, the Rapture, the End-Times Antichrist, the False Prophet, the New World Order, the Garden of Eden Story, the Forbidden Fruit, Noah's Flood, the War in Heaven, the Prophet Muhammed in the Bible, Islam and Islamic terrorism, the Three Wise Men (who were they?), the 9-11 Attacks, Armageddon, the 7-Bowl Judgment, the 144,000, the Day of Doom, the Third Woe, the Millennial Kingdom, and the City of New Jerusalem.



1. The Spirit of Truth Has Come!
2. A Brief History of the Baha'i Faith
3. When the Lord Builds Up Zion He Shall Come In His Glory
4. Baha'u'llah and The Throne of David
5. The Three Ranks of the Manifestations of God
6. A Baha'i View of the End-Times
7. A Baha'i View of the Rapture
8. The Signs in the Heavens Have Already Happened!
9. The Whitestone/New Name/144,000 EXPLAINED!
10. The Battle of Armageddon EXPLAINED!
11. Muhammed in the Bible
12. The Garden of Eden Story EXPLAINED!
13. The Man of Sin REVEALED!
14. The City of New Jerusalem/World Order of Baha'u'llah
15. The Miracles of The Bab and Baha'u'llah
16. Baha'i Beliefs About the Afterlife (Heaven/Hell/Reincarnation/Eternal Marriage)
117. The Mission of Baha'u'llah Is To Save The Planet
18. Could Baha'u'llah Be The End-Times Anti-Christ?
19. Baha'u'llah and the NEW WORLD ORDER!
20. But Isn't the Baha'i Faith A CULT???
21. Jesus' Return In The Clouds of Heaven EXPLAINED!
22. The TWO Christs of Zechariah Chapter 4
23. Jesus' Return AS A Thief in the Night EXPLAINED!
24. Baha'u'llah Is The Eternal Father/Prince of Peace
25. Answers To The Two Major Objections Christians Have Against Baha'u'llah
26. My Sheep Shall Hear My Voice!


The Spirit of Truth Has Come!

The Baha'is: Christians of the Second Advent, by Darrick Evenson. Published by Latter-day Glory Books of Salt Lake City, Utah. 2003.
This book is not copyrighted. Anyone can copy it, distribute it, reproduce it by any means, publish it for free or profit, without the permission of the author. This article is not an official Baha'i publication, but reflects the personal views and opinions of its author~Darrick T. Evenson


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