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Photos of the Baha'i World Centre (Haifa, Israel)

The Baha'i World Centre contains....

Street Map of Haifa, Israel. Baha'i World Centre is located left-center-top

Looking west at The Shrine of The Bab and the Mediterranean

Looking north from the top of Mt. Carmel toward Ben Gurion Street

The Ringstone Symbol on The Shrine of The Bab

Looking northeast

View from the lower Terraces looking due North across Haifa's Ben Gurion Street

Templar Houses with the Seat of the Universal House of Justice in the background

The Seat of the Universal House of Justice at night

A view of the Seat from the Monument Gardens

The International Teaching Centre

Archives Building and Dome of the Shrine of The Bab

The Center for the Study of the Sacred Texts, Archives, and Dome from the
steps of the Seat of the Universal House of Justice.

View from gardens looking southwest twoards Center for the Study of the Sacred Texts

View of the Gardens looking due East

Over every window is carved in goldleaf the Most Holy Name in Arabic

View from the Upper Terraces looking down to the northeast

View from the Upper Terraces looking due North

Looking down the Lower Terraces down Mount Carmel northward from the Shrine of
The Bab down Ben Gurion Street

The Shrine of The Bab at night (looking southwest)

Looking northeast from above the Shrine of The Bab towards Haifa Harbor

An obelisk marks the spot on the top of Mount Carmel where a future Baha'i House of Worship will stand (the Israeli government now forbids it being built because "it would interfere with Israeli military radar")

The Universal House of Justice consists of 9 men who are elected every 5 years by delegates chosen by the National Spiritual Assemblies of every nation where the Faith is organized. The following photos are delegates at a Convention at the Baha'i World Centre electing Members of the Universal House of Justice:

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Photos of Baha'i Holy Places
The Baha'is: Christians of the Second Advent
The Baha'i Faith: An Introduction for Mormons