The Baha'i-Christian Websites

My name is Darrick Evenson. I am a Baha'i-Christian: a follower of Jesus Christ, the very Savior of God, and Baha'u'llah, the promised Spirit of Truth.

Currently, I am not enrolled in the Administrative Order. I do not believe one must be "enrolled" and carry a blue card in order to be a Baha'i. If you would like to know why I am not currently enrolled, you can read My Story As A Baha'i below.

Below is a list my Baha'i websites. They are NOT copyrighted. Please print them out and make copies for others. University and college libraries have high-speed Internet computers with high-speed printers and you may use them for free or for a small fee.

If you would like printed copies of all or some of these articles to be mailed to you, just e-mail me. I will charge you only for mailing costs.

Darrick Evenson

The Baha'i Christian Homepage

My Story As A Bahá'í (15 pages)

The 1890-91 Prophecies of Joseph Smith FULFILLED in the Bahá'í Faith (19 pages)

The Seer Joseph Smith & The Bahá'í Faith (45 pages)

Do Mormon Temples Testify of Bahá'u'lláh? (42 pages)

The Bahá'í Faith & Abortion (68 pages)

Abortion in Bábí and Bahá'í Holy Law (12 pages)

And They Saw Christ Living: Another Look at Jesus' Resurrection in Bahá'í Teachings

The Bahá'ís: Christians of the SECOND Advent (267 pages)

The Bahá'í Religion: An Introduction for Seekers of Truth (9 pages)

The 19 Essentials of the Bahá'í Faith

Baha'i Metaphysics 101 (144 pages)

Baha'i Metaphysics 102 (38 pages)

Baha'i Metaphysics 104 (34 pages)

More coming soon....

Darrick Evenson

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