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Pro-Choice "Baha'is" and the Racist Roots of the Pro-Choice Movement

This is a chapter from The Baha'i Faith and Abortion

The Baha'i Faith in the U.S., and indeed in most Western countries, tries to attract Seekers by what is sometimes called the "World Peace/Race Unity/Equality" Message; that "the Baha'is are for world peace, race unity, and the equality of man and women so come join us to work for these goals!" This "Standard Message" attracts a certain type of personality; called the "liberal social-activist" personality type. These are people of Liberal politics who not only vote Liberal, but are "volunteer" types of individuals who would actually volunteer for Liberal causes.

Because the 'Standard Message' is about the only message used in the U.S. to prospect (attract Seekers) it brings in many Liberal social-activist types. These types of people are usually university educated, and have a Liberal slant on their worldview. Most of these individuals are either pro-Choice, or only moderately pro-Life. In other words, most have been taught that an abortion is "a woman's right". They have been told that the U.S. Constitution supports it. They have been told that "pro-Lifers" are very ignorant, chauvinist, uneducated types who go around killing abortion-providers. They believe what they are told; usually.

Not all Baha'is are "pro-Choice". It is impossible to say how many are pro-Choice and how many are moderately pro-Life and how many are totally pro-Life. I would guess that about 33% of American Baha'is are pro-Choice, about 10% absolutely pro-Life, and the rest moderately pro-Life. The moderately pro-Life Baha'is believe that abortion is wrong, bad, and regretable; but believe that a woman has the right to have one in just about all circumstances 'except' merely to "get rid" of an unwanted child.

Pro-Choice Baha'is usually don't like to be called "Pro-Choice". They will usually say something like this:

"I'm not pro-Choice, but of course I believe it is the woman's right to decise for herself to continue the pregnancy or not to continue!"

"Well, I'm not pro-choice or pro-life! As Baha'is, I don't think we should use labels. But, yes, it's the woman's right to choose! It's HER body isn't it?"

"There are no PRO-CHOICE Baha'is just like there are no PRO-LIFE Baha'is! There are just Baha'is! The House has said it's up to the woman and her physician, and not you or me!" "The Guardian said we can't involve the Faith in partisan politics. Abortion is a divisive political issue, and one that Baha'is must stay clear of. So, we can't discuss it in Baha'i meetings.

All of these are PRO-CHOICE Baha'is! They may not "call" themselves that, but that is what they are.

Many pro-Choice Baha'is will re-interpret what the Guardian and the House wrote about abortion into a "pro-choice" re-interpretation! Some of there reinterpretations are quite lame, or use fanciful ways of mental gymnastics. Some excuses are quite ingenious! But...they are "excuses" and "explain-aways".

Some pro-Choice Baha'is are secretly pro-Choice. They will say outwardly, "I support anything the Institutions have to say about abortion!" Then, they will work to silence any Baha'i who tries to inform other Baha'is as to what the Guardian and House has to say about abortion. They are the "Hypocrites"; outwardly Believers, but inwardly they seek to promote abortion, gay-marriage, sex-before-marriage, etc. They say to themselves, "What do these things have to do with World Peace or Race Unity or Equality of Men and Women?" Outwardly they support the Holy Laws, but secretly they ignore them and privately encourage other Baha'is to ignore them.

The Qur'an speaks of the Law of Man and the Holy Law of God. It refers to the Law of Man as "the laws of idolatry".

Baha'is believe that Satan, or the Devil, is the Nafs; the Ego or "lower-nature" in all of us which is selfish and seeks our own selfish desires instead of the Spirit of God.

Why are there pro-Choice Baha'is? They think because they are "educated" and "intelligent" and pro-Life people are "ignorant" and "fanatical" and "fundamentalist". The REAL reason is because of one thing: their EGOs.

Pro-Choice "Baha'is" listen to their own egos instead of the Will of God.

It's that simple.

The Qur'an speaks of those who listen to their Egos instead of the Law of God:

"Have you noted those who claim that they have believed in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, then uphold the laws of idolatry? There were commanded to reject such laws. It is the Devil's wish to lead them far astray." (4:60)

The Holy Law of God as revealed by the Word of God in the Qur'an, the Qayyumu'l-Asma', in letters from the Guardian, say: ABORTION IS FORBIDDEN IN THE FAITH. Pro-Choice "Baha'is" ignore this, and obey instead their own egos; their own lower-natures.

95% of all abortions are elective; meaning they are done with no valid medical reason, but because the woman fears it would interfere with her life-style. This is selfish. This is based upon the ego! The pro-Choice movement was founded by a woman who believed that our "egos" were "divine". Everyone's ego was "God" to them! I'm not kidding. She was a Theosophist who believed that the "ego" was "God within". Her name was Margaret Sanger.

Most people don't know, and most Baha'is don't know, that Margaret Sanger was a very selfish woman who first become interested in abortion and birth-control because she practiced "free love". She married for money. She was a gold-diggers, a pro-Nazi sympathizer, a white-supremacist, a neo-Malthusian, and a eugenicist. Read on...

The founder of the international "pro-Choice" movement was an American by the name of Margaret Sanger. She was the founder of the first pro-contraception publication in American: The American Birth Control Review. She was the founder of Planned Parenthood. She is considered a hero by pro-Choicers and Feminists worldwide. But most people are unware that Sanger was a Neo-Malthusian, a eugenicist, and a pro-Nazi white-supremacist. All these claims are well-documented and cannot be denied by anyone who knows the facts.

According to Canadian columnist Michael Coren:

"Margaret Sanger believed in the existence of so-called 'dygenic races' or 'human weeds'. There unfortunates were blacks, Hispanics, Amerinds, fundamentalist [Christians], and Catholics as well as Slaves, Latins, and Jews. Sanger though such people were a 'menace to civilization'. They simply had to 'stop breeding'. Her magazine, The Birth Control Review, favoured immigration restrictions based upon race and published a glowing review of a book called The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy; a fascist rant particularly popular with the later National Socialists in Germany." (The Toronto Sun, Jan. 7th, 1999)

"Sanger was a follower of Francis Galton, a Gnostic and Humanist who believed that inferior races and people should cease to breed or 'be considered enemies of the State' and justly exterminated" (Aristotle to Zoos, p.87). The American and British Eugenics Societies were founded on Galton's writings. Sanger became a member of the American Eugenics Society in 1930, and a member of the International Congress of Eugenics in 1932. In her own publication she wrote:

"Like the advocates for birth control, the eugenicists are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit." (Birth Control Review, Feb., 1919, p.11)

Francis Galton, the "father" of eugenics, wrote that inferior races and people should be allowed to live as long as they didn't create too much burden upon society:

But if these continued to procreate children inferior in moral, intellectual and physical qualities, it is easy to believe the time may come when such persons would be considered enemies of the State, and to have forfeited all claims to kindness." (Aristotle to Zoos, p.87)

Sanger believed that such things as feeding the poor and mentally or physically defective were useless and counter-productive to the human race. She wrote:

Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly...Funds that should be used to raise the standard of civilization are diverted to maintenance of those who should have never have been born." (Margaret Sanger, p 57)

The motto of the American Birth Control League was "More from the fit, less from the unfit". Sanger wrote:

"I wish to reiterate that all objections to birth control can be met unanswerably except one, that the human race will degenerate if the superior races and the superior-classes among civilized races will curtail the number of their offspring while inferior races and inferior races in civilized countries will continue their high birthrate. This must be prevented by all means...." (Birth Control Review, Sept. 1931, p.268)

Sanger's Birth Control Review contained various articles from her fellow eugenicists; including Bernard Stacks, M.D., who wrote:

"We must get rid of the inferior colored races: the Blacks, the Yellow and the Red races must be exterminated...The white race then may proceed as follows: Let the Christians exterminate all Jews and Moslems, then the Protestants kill all Catholics, then let the Ku Klux Klan kill everybody except the 100% [Nordic types]; then let the Nordic race with blond hair and blue eyes kill off all the dark complexioned..." (Birth Control Review, Sept, 1924, p.269)

Radical eugenicists wanted all inferior races utterly exterminated, and even wanted inferior whites to suffer the same fate. Moderate eugenicists were also white-racists, but wanted the reduction of "inferior races" and inferior types (mentally retarded, genetically defective) in the white race to come about through birth control, abortion, sterilization, or amalgamation with the "superior" white race; not outright extermination. Yet the Birth Control Review published articles even by radical eugenicists without comment or condemnation.

Event he moderate eugenicists have little good to say about black folks. Newell Sims wrote:

"It is any wonder, therefore, that the responsible white community looks upon the average Negro as being irresponsible, without pride or self-respect when he supplies more than his quota of dependents and delinquents?" (Birth Control Review, June 1931, p.188)

*Sanger and the Eugenecists

In 1918 Sanger founded the American Birth Control League; the first American organization to advocate birth control and abortion and eugenics in the U.S. For her Board of Directors Sanger included Theodore Lothrop Stoddard; author of The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy (1920), as well as The Revolt Against Civilization: the Menace of the Under-Man (1922) and A Gallery of Jewish Types (1918): all favorites of the Nazi Party in Germany. The Nazis referred to those they exterminated as kummerling; the German translation of Stoddard's “under-man".

Historian Barry Mehler writes of Stoddard:

"He was one of the most outspoken advocates of Nordic [Northern European racial] supremacy and an admirer of Adolf Hitler." (A History of the American Eugenics Society, 1921-1940, p.428)

Historian Richard K. Tucker writes:

“Lothrop Stoddard, a widely read author (Scientific Humanism, The Rising Tide of Color) was a Klan officer in Massachusetts and a ready source of many of the Klan's racial beliefs." (The Dragon and the Cross, p.6)

"Sanger herself had lectured on eugenics before the Ku Klux Klan of Silver Lake, New Jersey; at the invitation of the Woman's Branch of the KKK" (Margaret Sanger: Pioneer of the Future, p.192).

Stoddard was in charge of publicity for the 2nd International Council of Eugenics in New York City, and he was on the Advisory Board of the American Eugenics Society from 1923 to 1935. Researcher John Cavanaugh-O'Keefe has written:

“In the United States shortly after the turn of the century, the American Journal of Eugenics advertised itself by noting that it was "formerly known as Lucifer the Light Bearer". (Introduction to Eugenics, p.1 online)

Another person Sanger chose for her Board of Directors for the American Birth Control League was Ernst Rudin; father of the Nazi eugenics program; a program which eventually justified the wholesale murder of millions of innocent "non-Aryan" human beings.

Sanger rejected the God of the Bible as well as all other religions; preferring to worship, like so many other Gnostics, her own Self (Ego). Sanger's biographer Emily Taft Douglas writes:

She found downright unhealthy the priestly rejection of physical joys, while approving Neitzsche's 'Overman' who affirmed all phases of life and used the full powers of a trained mind, with passions controlled, but not deadened. It was better, she wrote, to develop the God within oneself than to worship "at the shrine of other egos." (Margaret Sanger: Pioneer of the Future, p.59)

The Qur'an says:

"Have you noted the one whose god is his ego? Consequently, GOD send him astray, despite his knowledge, seals his hearing and his mind, and places a veil in his eyes. Who then can guide him, after such a decision by GOD? Would you not take heed?" (45:23)

Pro-Choice "Baha'is" will let such women, and men, guide them; instead of the Manifestation of God, and then they will say, "I will obey, I will obey the Will of God!" Such are the Hypocrites.

Today, the Humanists and the American educational system, as well as the American Media, present Margaret Sanger as a great Feminist heroine; one who selflessly fought for the "rights of all women everywhere" for their reproduction rights (read: abortion).

On the Internet, W.A.R. (White Aryan Resistance) founder and leader Tom Metzger wrote What We Believe As White Racists:

"Very little abortion should be tolerated, among our White race, while at the same time, abortion and birth control should be promoted as a powerful weapon, in the limitation of non-white birth.


"Covertly [secretly] invest into non-White areas, invest in ghetto abortion clinics. Help to raise money for free abortions, in primarily non-white areas." (What We Believe As White Racists, p.1 online)

Some believe that it isn't a coincidence that the great majority of Planned Parenthood clinics are in ghetto neighborhoods.

Planned Parenthood is directly behind the writing and implementation of CEDAW; the international "treaty" which seeks to ultimately overthrow all anti-abortion laws internationally under the guise of "rights" for oppressed women.


As long as the "World Peace/Race Unity/Equality" Message is the only message used by the American (and other) Communities, then it will continue to attract basically one type of individual; the Liberal social-activist. And, most Liberal social-activists are pro-Choice. Some will change when they are educated as to what the Holy Law is in regards to abortion. Many will NOT change, but will simply "ignore" what The Bab or the Guardian or the House says about abortion!

Instead of listening to God, they will listen to the "god" within; their own egos.

It is my hope that if you truly believe in Baha'u'llah, and The Bab, and the Guardian, and the House, that you will obey the Law of God in regards to abortion. Submit to the Will of God, and not to your own wills/egos.

Thank you.

Darrick Evenson
June 2003

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The Baha'i Faith and Abortion