Open Letter to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, the NTC, and the Regional Bahá'í Councils

Dear Friends,

This article answers the following questions:

*Why is the Baha'i Faith in America growing so slowly?

*How can we achieve Entry-by-Troops most effectively?

*What is the least expensive way to fascilitate growth in Baha'i Communities?

Here are my suggestions. I base these answers on over 20 years of studying how successful religious organizations solve theses problems.


The Baha'i Faith in the United States has a growth-rate (2001 A.D.) of about 0.9% (based upon rate of conversions sans Baha'i Youth declaring); a utterly dismal rate of growth; equal to or lower than most American religious organization which do not actively seek converts. Even if the Baha'is did not seek converts, it should still be growing by the same rate of the U.S. population growth-rate: 1.8%. But it is half that; showing that most Baha'i children are not declaring. It is beyond dismal.


The reason for this is two-fold, but it is simple.


Most people do not have social-activist personalities. The Baha'i Faith fails to attract the masses for the same reason why the Liberal Protestant church are losing members and are not able to attrack new members.

Beginning in the early 1960s many mainline American protestant churches began to replace the fundamentalist-style teachings and beliefs with "the Social Gospel". Since then these churches have ignored or watered-down (or in some cases abandoned) the doctrines which Fundamentalist (Evangelical) churches still cherish: the Cross of Jesus, sin, salvation, etc. The Liberal churches replaced these with the "Social Gospel" which emphasizes such things as equal rights, equality of men and women, elimination of prejudices of all kinds, social-programs, etc. It didn't take long until these Liberal churches started seeing a mass exodus. Most of them head for fundamentalist Christian churches like the Assemblies of God, or the Baptists, or the Mormons.

In 1972 Dean M. Kelly wrote Why Conservative Churches Are Growing(Harper and Roe). One commentator has written:

"Dean M. Kelley has written that conservative churches in fact supply their members with meaning (which is salvation-centered) and this accounts for their success (growth in numbers). Kelly compares this to the liberal churches which supposedly do not provide their members with meaning (rather, they offer members incentives that be found elsewhere, for example by the NAACP) and a consequence the liberal churches are losing members." (Why Do Pastors Preach On Social Issues, p.73 online)

All researches on the subject today acknowledge that liberal churches have been shrinking for the past 30 years, while evangelical churches have been growing by leaps and bounds.

In an online article called The Death Wish of Liberal Protestantism, William Murchison writes:

"America's liberal Protestant churches--Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, etc.--are working overtime at reversing the grwoth and achievements of the past few centuries. If they haven't fully succeeded in wiping themselves out, look what reverse evangelism has accomplished in three decades. Membership rolls in the so- called 'mainline' churches are a fifth to a third of what they were in the 60s. The Methodists, once admired for their personable vitality, have been losing 1,000 members a week. There are presently more Mormons in the United States than Presbyterians or Episcopalians. As the exodus grows, the remnant grays. Three-fifths of Methodist laymen are over 50. Almost half of Presbyterian youth end up rejecting not just Presbyterianism but church affiliation of any kind.
What in God's name is going on here? Professor Thomas C. Reeves writes: 'Americans are a practical people, and a great many of them fail to be convinced that the mainline churches are worth their time. Liberal Protestantism, in its determined policy of accomodation with the secular world, has succeeded in making itself dispensable.'
In The Emply Church: The Crisis of Liberal Christianity, just published by Free Press, Reeves puzzles over this phenomenon. If it weren't for the singing, you might not be able to tell some liberal worship services from a Planned Parenthood meeting or a Pat Schroeder rally. Reeves taxes the liberals with throwing out the Christian essentials--the stuff of the Creeds, all those 'I believes...'--while substituting personal expression, liberation, the higher consciousness: a social gospel, in short.***The mainline churches...have agendas all right--but not necessarily religious agendas, concerning the old mainstays of repentance, faith, and salvation.***Says Reeves, 'What we have [in the Liberal churches] is 'Consumer Christianity,' Pick and choose your favorite doctrines--if any. Liberal Protestantism becomes as a result 'a sort of sanctimonious echo of National Public Radio or the left wing of the Democratic Party.'" (The Death Wish of Liberal Protestantism, p.1)

Liberal churches are emptying out, drying out, and dying out

A few Liberal churches realize they are headed for extinction, and are trying desperate means of staying alive. This was also true of the Unitarian Universalist Church (commonly called the "UU"). Of all churches, it was most liberal. Yet, in the early to mid-1980s it decided to try to "get away" from the constant discussion of social-issues into a more 'spiritually-based' worship. Naturally, the UU was not going to 'go Fundamentalist'; so they turned to various forms of New Age spiritualism.

UU leader David Parke wrote that people are no longer seeker a social-gospel, but "a robust, textured, life-giving religious faith." (Salted With Fire, p.18). UU minister Scott Alexander has written:

"They don't come to Church anymore to hear some dry humanist tell about the United Nations and world federalist thinking." (Washington Post, July 6, 1993, A-3). UU minister Suzanne Meyer said that "if the new [UU] evangelism is going to succeed, Sunday services must appeal to a new generation of church goers looking primarily for spiritual and emotional nourishment....That means, among other things, more inspiring music, richer liturgy, and less intellectualism from the pulpit." (Salted With Fire, p.94)

The UU church has invited the 'spirit' into UU churches by inviting New Agers, Wiccans, and others who might have been considered 'wacky' by the secularist UU members years before. Yet, as one UU minister has stated, "They are thirsty for spirit from whatever source." (Salted With Fire, p.173)

Indeed, the UU church is growing because of this de-emphasis on social-issues, and the return of the 'spirit' to worship (although some would argue a 'wrong' spirit).

But the UU is not coming close to the growth of the evangelical (fundamentalist) Churches and religions in America. The fastest growing religious organizations in America are:

1. The International Churches of Christ
2. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
3. The Southern Baptist Convention
4. The Assemblies of God
5. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses)

How many of these religious organizations emphasize the equality of men and women?

A. None

How many emphasize World Peace?

A. None

How many emphasize the elimination of prejudice of all kinds?

A. None

Universal Auxiliary Language?

A. None

Universal compulsory education?

A. None

What do they emphasize?

A. Strong moral code. Religious absolutes. Salvation of the soul, and how it is attained. The Afterlife. The Spirit. Emotionalism instead of intellectualism.The Person (Jesus) instead of the 'principles'.

Are you beginning to get the picture?

The Baha'i Faith in many (if not most) parts of the U.S. have become some kind of "social-issue discussion group" with a few prayers thrown in. It has become a "woman's rights and UN support group" instead of the Religion of God for our Age which must be B R O A D enough to include all other religions. The Faith is "diverse" only in it's acceptance of different races and cultures, and holds this one thing up ("Race Unity") like an idol and expects everyone to drop their own churches and religions (most of which now are also integrated) to become Baha'is. Why? Because Baha'is believe in 'race unity' and 'the equality of men and women'!


You cannot base a religion upon a few progressive social principles with some prayers thrown in! All you'll have is a very small religion with no power, no way to change society, and no appeal for the masses of religious folk.

This is _NOT_ to say, of course, that the Baha'is give up the 12 Principles in order to achieve entry-by-troops. This is to say.....The 12 Principles" DO NOT EQUAL "The Baha'i Faith". Although many Baha'is apparently think they do! Go to almost any Baha'i website and you'll find "What Baha'is Believe" and then a list of 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 "Principles", and usally NOTHING about God, Jesus, Salvation, etc.


The 12 Principles are only an important aspect of the Faith; not the summon bonum of the Faith. As long as the Friends don't realize this, the Faith will continue to have serious problems in attracting members and retaining them.

I have seen the following "Principles" added to 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13:

"Protecting the Environment"

"Protection of Cultural Diversity"


"Tolerance for all lifestyles"

I've read these "principles" as part of a list of "What Baha'is Believe" on various websites; including official Community websites. Yet, on these same websites is NOTHING about Jesus, NOTHING about the Afterlife, NOTHING about things Christians would recognize as "Beliefs". Many Baha'i websites say NOTHING about God!


My suggestion is that instead of quoting 10, or 11, or 12, or 13, or 14 "Principles" after "What Baha'is Belief" or "Basic Baha'i Beliefs", that this is REPLACED on websites with the following:



1. There is One God Who is revealed as Jehovah, Allah, Brahman, Ahura Mazda, and by various Other Names.
2. His Names and Attributes appear on this earth as Perfect Men called Manifestations of God, and They include (among Others) Adam, Noah, Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Moses, Jesus, The Bab, Baha'u'llah.
3. The Divine Mission of the Manifesations of God are to reveal the Holy Laws and Ordinances of God to mankind, to suffer for the sins of Humanity as a way to atone for those sins, to prepare us for the Afterlife, and to advance Divine Civilization.
4. The Word of God for Baha'is includes the Bible along with the Qur'an and the Holy Writings of the Faith.
5. Jesus is the Lord Christ; the virgin-born Son of God and the very Savior of man. He it is Who purified the World and sanctified the souls of sinners.
6. The Báb was the Promised Imam Mahdí of Shi'a Islam, and the Forerunner of Bahá'u'lláh.
7. Bahá'u'lláh is the Promised One of all the Revealed religions; the Messiah ben David, the Kalki Avatar, the Shah Bahram, the Spirit of Truth, the Return of Christ in the Glory of the Father, the Manifestation of God for our age.
8. The World Order of Baháu'lláh will be built upon the Most Holy Book and the 12 Foundations of World Unity and will establish the Most Great Peace, and is known in the Bible as the "City of New Jerusalem".
9. The Purpose of Life is to learn to love God and to prepare our souls for the journey through the Worlds of God in the Afterlife.
10. A Bahá'á is a follower of Baháu'lláh as the Manifestation of God four our age, and who covenants with God to obey His Laws and the Divine Institutions which He has revealed and established.


11. Praying at least once per day.
12. Fasting during the daylight hours during the month of 'Ala.
13. Ceasing from work on the the Holy Days .
14. Keeping the Holy Laws.
15. Recitingthe Holy Verses .
16. Obeying the Divine Institutes of the Faith.
17. Teaching the Faith to others.
18. Paying the Huquq'u'llah and contributing to the Funds.
19. Making a pilgrimage at least once to the Holy Shrines during a lifetime if one is physically and financially able to do so.

The terms "Lord Christ" and "very Savior of man" and "Son of God" and "He Who purified the World" and "sanctified the souls of sinners" exist in the Holy Writings of the Faith themselves. I did not invent any of them. They come directly from the Holy Writings.

The "12 Principles" has been equated with "What Baha'is Believe" or "What the Baha'i Faith is" etc. This is a MISnomer! The "12 Principles" should in fact be referred to as the "12 Foundations of World Unity", and should never be mentioned outside of context, and their context is the "World Order of Baha'u'llah" and the "New World Order" and the "City of New Jerusalem" and "The Most Great Peace".

As long as Baha'is continue to equate the Faith with the "12 Principles" you can FORGET about entry-by-troops, and you will do nothing but ALIENATE Evangelical Christians, Mormons, Seventh-day Adventists, Traditional Catholics, and other "religious" type people!

The 19 Fundamentals of the Faith is a much clearer, more consise, and Christian-and-religion-friendly "synopsis" of the Faith than are the "Principles" currently used.


The 'key' to attracting and keeping the religious masses is to have a plan for PERSONAL SALVATION as well as 'world government'. Otherwise, forget it.

The Baha'is of America currently do not know how to successfully prospect (attract) the religious masses to the Faith. I may have some pointers in this area. I've studied various successful groups for the past 20 years.

How can Baha'is achieve 'Entry-by-Troops' in America? That is explained in detail below in Where's the Troops?. This article shows how the techniques of successful religious organizations can be interfaced with Baha'i teachings and princples in order to bring entry-by-troops. Please read it after you have finished reading this.

The Pentecostals--the Fastest Growing Religious Group in America

The fastest growing religious group in the United States are the Pentecostals. A "Pentecostal" means a Christian who believes that Jesus gave His disciples the Holy Spirit at "Pentecost" (the term is Greek and means "50"). Fifty days after Passover the Jews celebrated "Pentecost". At Pentecost Jesus blows upon His disciples, and they begin to speak in Tongues; the tongues of men and angels. Pentecostals believe that if a person is truly born-again they will "manifest" one of the Gifts of the Spirit (there are 9 gifts); speaking in tongues is one such "sign" of having been born-again.

They are Evangelical Christians who emphasize the Person of Jesus Christ, His Atonement on the Cross, sin, salvation from sin via His Blood, and the gifts of the Spirit. Their worship-services (called "praise services") are lively, and include music, singing, and worshippers holding their arms into the air.

The Assemblies of God is the largest of the U.S. Pentecostal churches. They began in 1914 with 300 members. They now have 30 million members worldwide; about 3 to 4 million in the United States.

What is their appeal? Do they speak about world peace, race unity, equality of men and women, a universal auxilary language? NO! They speak of Jesus, and worship Him. They believe in the literalness of the Bible as the Word of God, and trust it.

The Race Unity/World Peace/Equality Message

The Baha'is in the U.S. use ONE MESSAGE to attract Seekers, and one message only: the Race Unity/World Peace/Equality Message. This works well when the U.S. had no race unity, was in-between or just after wars, and had little or no equality of the sexes. It worked to attract Liberals with social-activist personalities who wanted to "work" to achieve these things. Today, the Faith uses the very same ONE Message (sometimes called the 'Standard Message'), and it isn't working anymore.


Because, to a large extent, there is race unity, no major conflicts, and the equality of the sexes. Those who do NOT think these things exist are Radical Liberals, who THINK when they join the Faith that the Faith agrees with them on all their issues. Then, they discover....

*The Faith is against abortion-on-demand.
*The Faith forbids activism in politics.
*The Faith does not allow women as Members of the House.
*The Faith does not allow free love, absolutely acceptance of homosexuality, and other things Radicals are for and wish to work for.

The Radicals then either leave the Faith, or work "underground" to achieve positions in the Faith and try to "change" it from within; hoping that one day enough of their number will be elected to NSAs and the House and then they will be able to "change" the Law of God to what they personally think it should be.

May I suggest.....The Race Unity/World Peace/Equality Message has had its day. It's time to move on!

Attracting Bible-believing Christians to the Faith

Today (2004 A.D.) the only "Christians" attracted to the Faith are Liberal Christians who currently have no church they are committed to. That's it. To achieve real growth you must find a way to attract Bible-believing Christians.

Here are my suggestions:

1) Start a special fund called the Christian Seeker Media Campaign Fund. Take at least one year to gather funds, or perhaps two years. The goal of the fund would be to collect 3 million dollars.

2) During the time the funds are being collected (over a one or two year period) it is time to train a new type of Baha'i teacher called "Home Teachers". These are Baha'is who are specially trained to teach Christian Seekers in their homes (the home of the Seeker). Home Teachers must be trained to understand the language of Evangelical Christians, how to answer their objections, etc.

3) Order 50,000 copies of Thief in the Night at a special mass-production rate. George Ronald can either sell Baha'i Publishing the copyright, or can get a special mass edition published by the same printers that produce the dimestore novels.

4) Choose 9 or 19 cities in which to place advertisements in the newspaper. All the Communities which reside in the normal circulation area of the newspaper will take part in this campaign. 5) Place full-page and half-page ads in all these 9 or 19 newspapers. The ads would look like this:



Jesus said~
"Howbeit when he, the Spirt of Truth is come, he will guide you unto all truth: for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify Me...." (John 16:13-14)

Bahá'u'lláh wrote~
"Verily, He Who is the Spirit of the Truth is now come to guide you unto all truth. He speaketh not as prompted by His own Self, but as bidden by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Say, this is the One Who hath glorified the Son and hath exalted His Cause." (Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh p.12)

Dear Friends, we are the Bahá'ís, the followers of the Spirit of Truth, Whose Name is Bahá'u'lláh ("The Glory of God"). There are about 6 million of us in the world today. We believe that Jesus is the virgin-born Son of God and the very Savior of man. We believe that Bahá'u'lláh is the promised SPIRIT OF TRUTH Who was to come to teach us "all things" pertaining to the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. We have been called to establish the Kingdom of the Father upon this earth; otherwise known as the City of New Jerusalem. We invite you to join us. We offer you a free book titled Thief in the Night: The Case of the Missing Millennium (300 pages). This book is yours for free if you call the number below. There is nothing to buy. We won't try to sell you anything. We just want you to know about how the Bible foretells of Bahá'u'lláh. Please call: 1-800-999-9999 to order your free copy. Thank you.
Your neighbors,
The Bahá'ís of Los Angeles

See our program We Are the Bahá'ís on public-access channel 77 on Sunday, September 19th, at 9pm.


*This ad needs to be repeated at least once in the same newspaper during a 30-day period.

*The ad MUST BE HUGE! A small ad will do little! The ad must be a full-page or half-page ad. Nothing smaller. Otherwise, it will be lost. A full-page ad in a major metropolitan area would cost about $30,000 or more. It's worth it, because the full-page ad will create it's own "free" advertising because many people (including the press and Christian ministers) will be talking about it. It will get HUGE attention!

*Hold a Press Conference at the Baha'i Center in every city where the campaign is being held (9 or 19 cities--depending on finiancial resources). Make sure the Press knows about the release of the full-page ad. At the Press Conference tell the Media about the claims of Baha'u'llah, etc.

*That's all you need to do! Say nothing about race unity, world peace, or esperanto! These things can be covered later; in detail.

*The "key" (and this is a KEY) is to NOT expect Seekers to get out their Thomas Guides and find a Baha'i Fireside, but to GO TO THEM with Home Teachers who have been trained how to prospect and teach Christian Seekers.

*Different cities would use different 800 numbers, and would have several hundred to several thousand copies of Thief in the Night on hand and ready to deliver.

*DO NOT MAIL respondants a copy of Thief in the Night and some tracts. DO....NOT....MAIL!!! Don't mail them these materials and expect them to read it and to break-out their Thomas Guides and try to find a Baha'i Fireside! You ******ABSOLUTLEY 100% MUST****** hand-deliver the book and tracts to the Respondant's home by the pre-trained Home Teachers! The Home Teachers will be taught how to BOND with the Respondant, and they will invite to drive the Respondant to a Fireside! The Home Teachers will be taught to answer questions Christians will have regarding Baha'u'llah and the Faith. The training will take months. This is a "key" that MUST be followed, or you'll waste millions of dollars.

*The Baha'is Magazine is NOT a good publication to give to Christian Seekers. And neither are pamphlets and tracts regarding "Race Unity" or "New World Order" etc. If any tracts need to be included, then the ones by Gary L. Matthews would be useful and attractive to Christian Seekers:

These tracts can be purchased in bulk very inexpensively.

*It is VITAL that the ad reads as above. It is VITAL that the statement "We believe that Jesus was the virgin-born Son and God and the very Savior of man" are included!

*Remember, you should "consult" on whether to use this Plan or not. You should not "consult" on items in the Plan, or you'll wind-up with the same-old 'Standard Message' and the new Plan (yours...not mine) will fail, and you'll blame me.

*Smaller Missions cannot afford full-page ads! They should then use 8"X11" Pre-formed Free-standing Inserts (otherwise known as "PFIs"). PFIs are simply 8 inch by 11 inch sheets on card-stock, printed on one or both sides, and inserted into the newspapers before they are delivered to homes. PFIs are charged "per thousand". Each newspaper has a different rate-per-thousand. Each newspaper has a "minimum" they will allow. For example, The Salt Lake Tribune allows a minimum of 20,000 PFIs. Many newspapers allow a minimum of 5,000, or 8,000, or 10,000. The cost of PFIs (also called "Inserts") are FAR less than a full-page or half-page ad. One good thing about PFIs is that you can print on both sides of the card. If PFIs are used, then one side of the Insert should be the "FREE BOOK OFFER" (as per above), and the other side should be a "Invitation" to a Baha'i Fireside which includes a map to the Baha'i Center. For example:



You and your friends and/or family are invited to a Baha'i Fireside (informational meeting) The Fireside will include the showing of a short video about the Faith, refreshments, and questions and answers, and free literature. Dress is clean but casual. Call us for directions. If you need a ride to the Fireside, we're more than happy to come get you and take you back home.

The Los Angeles Baha'i Center is located at the northeast corner of Rodeo Drive and So. La Cienaga Blvd., near Culver City. We are open for visitors daily between 12noon and 7pm. Parking is in the rear, and you can enter the parking area through the IRON GATE on La Cienaga just to the right of the Taco Bell. All Firesides are free of charge. Nothing will be sold at the Firesides. Free literature will be available for those who want it. All Firesides are held in private homes except for Firesides held at the L.A. Baha'i Center. Please call us beforehand if you plan to attend, or need directions or a ride to the Fireside.

BAHA'I FIRESIDES (informational meetings)

SUNDAYS (3pm):
L.A.Baha'i Center....323-933-8291
SUNDAYS (7pm):
L.A. Baha'i Center...323-933-8291
Studio City..........818-760-4456
La Crescenta.........818-957-7981
Silver Lake..........000-000-0000
South Pasadena.......000-000-0000
FRIDAYS (7pm):
L.A. Baha'i Center...000-000-0000
Beverly Hills........000-000-0000
Temple City..........000-000-0000

For a map to the L.A. Baha'i Center please go to:


NOTE: I use the Baha'is of L.A. just as an "example". I did not consult them on this, and they don't know about this article.

*PFIs work best in areas around universities. University and college students are the most likely candidates to become Baha'is. You can choose which areas to send you PFIs to. Make sure to choose university areas if possible.

If you use THIS plan (Christian Seeker Media Campaign), the way it is set-up using full-page ads or PFIs, and establish Baha'i Home Missions with Baha'i Youth as trained missionaries and Baha'i couples as trained Home Teachers, you will achieve entry-by-troops in the United States!

Retaining New Believers

The Faith is one of the worst at retaining new Believers. Why?


People come in and they are asked to sign a card. Then after signing a card they are then told, "We believe in these Principles and in continuuous revelation and in obeying the Institutions" and that's about it!

People need to be spiritually fed! The ONLY way you are going to retain people is to spiritually-feed them, and offer diversity of worship opportunities.

One of the WORSE Baha'i Communities as far as converts and retention goes is the Seattle Baha'i Community! On paper it has about 300 member, but very few of them are ever seen.


The Seattle Baha'i Community does not have diversity in worship. It only offers "discussions" of "Race Unity" and "World Peace" and "Equality of Men and Women". Sometimes also it offers poety readings, or has someone give a "lecture" say, on the status of women in Sierra Leone. The few active Baha'is LOVE this. Most do not. Christians certainly would not.

Baha'i Communities MUST offer people the following:

1) A Praise Jesus Service every Sunday morning.

2) Bible-study classes on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons.

3) Gospel music and song on Sunday morning.

Entry-by-troops was achieved in India NOT because of the Race Unity/World Peace/Equality message, but in spite of it. The 2 million Baha'is in India worship Krishna. They are BAKTIS. A "Bakti" means a "devotee"; it means a person who loves and worships in devotion to a particular Being; rather than dry rituals or intellectual discussions.

As long as the Baha'is do not offer people BAKTI (devotional worship) of Jesus then Evangelical Christians, Mormons, Traditional Catholics, and other BAKTI Christians will stay away from the Baha'i Faith.

In India, Baha'is continue to use devotional worship to Krishna. They accept Baha'u'llah as the KALKI AVATAR, but they continue their devotional worship to Krishna. Do the same hear, but with JESUS, and you'll have tens of thousands of Christians joining the Faith.

Christian Bahá'ís

It probably sounds almost blasphemous to many of you reading this, the notion of "Christian Baha'is". But, unless you can tolerate "Christian" Baha'is, then Christians won't become Baha'is or stay Baha'is.

In the U.S., people who become Baha'is are supposed to "drop" their devotional worship of Jesus, and replace it with one of the following:

1. Constant intellectual discussion of Race Unity, World Peace, Equality of the Sexes, a Universal Auxiliary language, etc. Perhaps some poetry reading.

and or...

2. Having talks from guest speakers about Race Unity, World Peace, Equality.....

and or...

2. Incredibly BORING Sunday morning "Devotionals" in which one or more Baha'is blandly, and without comment, read various Verses of Scripture; almost always having to do with "peace" and "justice".

3. Devotional worship of Baha'u'llah.

You can forget it. You may! This simply is NOT going to happen.

You must give Jesus Sunday morning at Baha'i Centers!

The new Sunday Morning Praise Service must include:

1) A Pastor or pastors to read and expound upon the Bible.

2) A choir singing Gospel music (if possible). If not a choir, then recording of Gospel choir music (for smaller Communities).

3) Singing of Gospel songs by the congregation.

This is why the Pentecostal churches are so popular. They call this "Spirit-filled" worship.

As long as Baha'i "Worship" consists of dry, intellectual disussion of "social issues", or boring non-sensical reading of various Verses from the Bible, Bhagavad Gita and Holy Writings, then you can forget about entry-by-troop in this county. Just...FORGET it!

Some Baha'is will say, "Oh, I don't want that! I used to belong to a church like that and I don't want it in the Faith!" No problem! Baha'is who do not fancy Sunday morning "church" need not attend it! But you can FORGET about the Bible-believing Christian masses joining the Faith, unless you have such services.

Baha'i Centers could stil be homes for the UNENDING discussion of Race Unity, World Peace, the Equality of men and women, as well as classes in Esperanto! However, SUNDAY MORNINGS must be given to Jesus; if you want the devotees of Jesus to be attracted to the Baha'i Faith and remain active in it.

You cannot expect each Community to come-up with a Sunday morning system of their own. It must be uniform. Directors of Sunday morning worship services should be called "Pastors", and they need to be trained to hold such services. They need not go to years of "Bible school". Such training could be done via the Internet and a number of weekend training sessions. That's all. If you allow each Community to come up with their own system, it will become a mess and unworkable.

Baha'is who want the Faith to remain "secular" and as UNreligious as possible with fight against this, and, if they win, the Faith will continue to be a small obscure sect in this country with no appeal to the masses, and with a dismal growth rate.

The Faith must OPEN UP to various forms of worship! Otherwise, it will remain stagnant.

As long as Jesus for Baha'is is merely a Manifestation of God "who taught peace and tolerance" but Who did NOT die for the sins or all humanity, and who did NOT arise literally from the dead (thought not physically), then you can FORGET about Fundamentalist Christians becoming Baha'is.

You MUST teach the Baha'is about Jesus! Not the "Jesus" of Liberal Protestantism, but the JESUS OF THE BIBLE! The Jesus Who....

*Performed REAL miracles.
*Died for our sins.
*Was raised up on the third day (empty tomb).

All of you need to read And They Saw Christ Living:

Otherwise, forget it! Just....forget it! The Baha'i Faith will always be a closed door for Bible-believing Christians; until the Baha'is believe in the Jesus of the Bible, and accept His miracles, His atonement on the Cross, and His resurrection from the dead as REAL.

You must allow Bible-believing Christians to be "Christian Baha'is", and to worship Jesus in ways they are comfortable and familiar with. This will NOT create disunity, this will create unity-in-diversity of Baha'i worship. Otherwise, you can FORGET about prospecting Evangelical Christians and other Bible believers!

In India, entry-by-troops was achieved NOT because the Baha'is demanded that Vaishnava Hindus "give up" their devotional worship (bakta) of Krishna, but because Baha'is allowed this devotional worship to continue! That is why India has over 2 million Vaishnava Baha'is. If they were expected to "give up" their devotional worship of Krishna, and to replace it with ENDLESS discussions of "world problems" and "social issues", then there would have been no entry-by-troops in India.

If you want Evangelical Christians to become Baha'is, then you MUST let them be "Christian Baha'is". They are NOT going to give up their devotional worship of Jesus and replace it with thinking of Him as a mere "Prophet" or the endless discussion of social issues! Never!

Teaching the Baha'is About Jesus

Most Baha'is in the United States DON'T KNOW JESUS! They don't study the Bible. They don't study the Qur'an. What do they "do"? They...

*Speak endlessly about the "12 Principles".

*They have people come in to speak about social issues.

*They sometimes read poetry.

*They discuss different aspects of Baha'i Administration.

*They talk about social issues.

*They work with the NAACP.

*They talk about the United Nations.

*They talk about Race Unity.

*They join in parades on Dr. Martin Luther King Day.

*They have 19-Day Feasts.

*They talk about teaching.

*They have teaching campaigns based upon inviting people to Firesides to talk about Race Unity or the Equality of Women.

That's it!

That's NOT a religion! That's a "Race Unity Club"!

The Baha'i Faith in the United States is much closer to a Liberal "NGO" than a religion. And this is why so many stay away from it, and so many stay for such a short time.

I recommend that each New Believer is put into a "New Believers" class; one class starting every month or so. They must be given a set of lessons which covers not only the "12 Principles" and "Baha'i Administration", but every aspect of the Faith. At the completion of the class they should have a Confirmation Ceremony in which they receive some sort of "diploma".

Each New Believer should be assigned a "Guide" who felllowships them until they are "confirmed" a "Member" of the Community. They should not be "Members" of the Community until they are "confirmed". The "Guide" should be as like the New Believer as possible; in age, race, social standing, education, etc.

If you do this, you will retain a much greater amount of New Beleivers.

The Baha'is MUST be taught about Jesus--NOT the Jesus of "The Jesus Seminar", but the Jesus of the Bible! The Jesus who...

*was born of a virgin
*performed real literal miracles
*raised people literally from the dead (not just the "spiritually" dead)
*healed the literally blind (not just the "spiritually" blind)
*died upon the Cross as a ransom and atonement of the sins of all mankind.
*literally arose from the dead on the third day (not in His physical body)

'Abdu'l-Baha did NOT deny the historacity of the Gospel narratives when it came to the Resurrection of Jesus. He denied that the Resurrection of Christ was physical/material in nature! You MUST read:

As long as Baha'is believe in the "Metaphor-Only" resurrection of Jesus, you can FORGET about prospecting Evangelical Christians, Mormons, Traditional Catholics, and other Bible-believers!

Baha'is MUST be taught about the Jesus OF THE BIBLE! Today, most Baha'is believe...

*Jesus came to teach peace and tolerance (WRONG...He said, "I come not to bring peace, but a SWORD!")

*Jesus came merely to improve the status of women and to prepare the way for Muhammad (WRONG! He only changed two Holy Laws...divorce and Sabbath).

*We don't know about Jesus because the Gospels were written long after the Apostles died, so they are unreliable and everybody knows this (WRONG! This is simply NOT the case! Baha'u'llah said that the text of the Bible--including the Gospels--were NOT corrupt!)

I've heard all of the above from Baha'is--over and over again--and they are all simply WRONG!

The Baha'is MUST study the Gospels--every week--or you can FORGET about prospecting Bible-believers! You can FORGET about entry-by-troops, because secular Liberals and Radicals see NO REASON to become Baha'is' in order to "work for" Race Unity or World Peace or the Equality of the Sexes, or the establishment of a Universal Auxiliary Language. No....reason.

Baha'i Home Missions

Today, the vast great majority of youth on their "Year of Service" won't convert a soul! Not one person! My suggestion is that the American Baha'is create "Baha'i Home Missions", and turn Baha'i Youth (and retired Baha'is) into "missionaries". It has worked for the Mormons. You should consider it.

Teaching as missionaries for at least 6 months to 9 months out of their "year of service" should be part of their year of service. If so, you will get many more converts to the Faith.

Baha'i Home Missions should be established first in every large metropolitan area; with a Mission Committee. Baha'is on their "Year of Service" should be called "missionaries" while they are assigned to a particular Home Mission. Their duties would include:

*Carding two hours a day (passing out ICs, or "Invitation Cards" to Baha'i Firesides--door-to-door).

*Reading the New Testament 30 minutes a day.

*Reading the Holy Writings 1 hour per day.

*Teaching Seekers at the homes of the Seekers.

Baha'i Home Missions would provide missionaries with apartments; 4 to one-bedroom apartment. Males and females should not allowed to live in the same apartment; for obvious reasons.

Baha'i missionaries should not be allowed to "date" while they are missionaries.

Baha'i Home Missions should concentrate on university students; since they are the most likely to become Seekers, and thus Baha'is.

Baha'i Missionaries should be given at least 19 days of training to "train" them how to prospect and teach, and to "present" the Faith differently to Catholics, Evangelicals, Mormons, New Agers, and others. One size does not "fit" all.

Don't tell Communities to "establish" missions, and then wait and see what they come up with. They must be uniform in every area. They must include many "rules" that are written down and followed.

Baha'i Media Campaigns

I ask, has the National Media Campaign--which uses the 'Standard Message' (Race Unity/etc.)-- worked? Has it brought a HUGE increase of new converts to the Faith?

May I suggest that you stop using the Standard Message. It was good in it's day. That day is over.

May I suggest you replace it with simple message such as these:

*Offering THIEF IN THE NIGHT as a free book offer with an 800 number.

*"WHO ARE THE BAHA'IS?" Showing Gardens, Shrine of The Bab, various Baha'is of various races and cultures smiling, then offering THE BAHA'IS magazine as a free publication.

The new commercials should coincide with the Christian Seeker Teaching Campaign in the cities it is being presented in.

A general way to attract millions of dollars of FREE media advertising is to create a sensation! How?

Place ads (in newspapers and T.V.) that say only this:

Who is HE? Why do over 6 million people
around the globe follow Him?

Is He Christ Returned With A New Name?

And His New Name Is...

The 800 (or 877) numbers would include a short message such as this:

"Baha'u'llah....Who IS He? Is He Christ returned with a New Name? Is He the Spirit of Truth that Jesus promised would come in the last days to teach us all things pertaining to the Kingdom of God? Is He a false prophet or the Anti-christ?....We are the Baha'is, the followers of Baha'ullah. We believe that Baha'u'llah is the return of Christ with a new name. We believe He is the Promised One of all revealed religions; the Messiah ben David, the Spirit of Truth, the Fifth Buddha. There are over 6 million Baha'is in over 200 countries. Would you like to know more? We invite you to discover Who Baha'u'llah is! Leave your name and telephone number, and we'll call you back. Wait for the beep...."

These ads MUST be large and bold or else they won't work.

Most American Baha'is, being moderately Liberal social-activist personality types, will want to say "something" about Race Unity, or World Peace, or Equality, etc., in this ads. DO IT NOT! You will fail.

It is important NOT to say more than this. Keep this curious. Don't try to convert them over the phone. The "key" is to get them to get them to a Fireside.

You think I'm being funny, but I'm not! Such ads will create a sensation, and millions of dollars in FREE advertising because newspapers, magazines, journalists, are going to want to know what this is about, and they will write many articles about it. You literall EMBLAZEN the Name of Baha'u'llah as much as you can!

The More Effective Use of Baha'i Centers

One cannot achieve entry-by-troops if there is nowhere to house and feed the troops. All armies must be housed and fed, or they disintegrate. Currently, Baha'i Centers are used for feasts once per month. In places like Los Angeles, Baha'i Centers are not used for Feasts at all; because great mobs of people who meet once every 19 days cannot form a family-like 'community' where such things as consultation can take place.

When the Faith begins to attract large numbers of Seekers and New Believers, is the money going to be there to build bigger and larger Baha'i Centers? What when the Community becomes so large that it can no longer facilitate the numbers? In some Baha'i Communities the Center cannot hold all who wish to Feast, and I remember one situation where well over 60 Baha'is met in a Center that could comfortably hold only 35 people. Some people literally had to 'wait outside' until it was their 'turn' to come in. Consultation was a joke. It was ABSURD beyond belief!

Another concern is that in larger Communities you have large and gorgeous Baha'i Centers, but in most or all of the smaller Communities you have usually no Center; or some rented space that is often cramped, cold, leaking, and inadequate to bring Seekers to.

In order to achieve unity and a uniform system of Baha'i places of meeting, I recommend the following:

1. Divide all Baha'i Communities into Wards.

Each "Ward" is made-up of from 9 to 19 active Baha'is in the Community. Each Feast meets every 19 days, and the Badi Month is divided into 19 days. Thus, each day of the Badi Month is a Feast, and on that night a Ward meets. Each Ward must have 9 active "Members" (the term for an active Baha'i who is a member of a Ward. Baha'is who are not active are called "Non-Members". Each Ward is named after the day it meets. For example: 1st Ward meets on the first day of the month, 17th Ward meets on the seventeenth day, etc.

The only objection to this is the fact that many Baha'is believes that the Feast must but on the first day of the month, and all Baha'is must meet on that day.

This is not so.

Both 'Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi were asked about this:

Mr. Latimer: "Should the Feasts be held on the first day of each Baha'i month?"
'Abdu'l-Baha: "No, any day. The purpose is to call a gathering and that gathering should be in the utmost love and harmony." (Light of the World, p.71)

Shoghi Effendi:

"There is nothing in the teachings that the Nineteen Day Feast should be held on the first day of the Baha'i month. It is only the custom. Give freedom in non-essentials. In essentials; unity; in non-essentials; diversity, and in _all_ things: charity." (Agnes Alexander Pilgrim's Notes, p.2)

2. Attached to each Ward is a "Ward- Servant".

Each Ward-Servant is considered the "servant" to the Ward. It is their job to coordinate the Ward Feast, and to coordinate with other Ward-Servants of the other Wards in the Community. This is not 'priesthood'. The Ward-Servant is to be considered the 'Servant' of the Ward; not the leader of it.

3. Mandate that Baha'i Center be as uniform as possible.

Baha'i Centers should begin to take a uniform appearance and number of active Baha'is who can support it financially. It is wasteful for one Community that is affluent and has many Members have a nice Center, and then nearby less-affluent Communities have no center or an inferior center (this actually goes against Baha'i principles). Instead, all Baha'i Centers should be suppored by a membership (active adult Baha'is) of from 171 (9 X 19) to 361 (19 X 19). These are sacred numbers. A Baha'i Center divided into 19 Wards can accommodate up to 361 Members (active adult Baha'is who contribute financially). Currently, a Baha'i Center which has Feast only once every 19 days has 18 days in which the Center is not being used to it's capacity. This is wasteful. True, some Centers have poetry-readings or discussions almost every night of the week. Yet, the most efficient use of a Baha'i Center is to have a Feast there every single night. This can be done if the Community is divided into Wards, and the Wards meet on different nights. This will also allow practical consultation since Communities often outgrow this, but Wards (with a maximum of 19 active adult Baha'i Members) never will.

3. Establish A "Ward Council".

If Wards are established then how do Wards consult with each other? As the Faith grows it will become increasingly impossible for Baha'is to consult "as" Communities (can you imagine the 3,000 Baha'is trying to consult on something?). The 'key' is to establish a Ward Council consisting of all the Ward Servants in the Community (Ward Councils would include the Servants of those Wards which belong to a particular Community, and not necessarily all the Servants that use the Center--since some Wards that use the Center will be from other Communities). This Ward Council would meet once a month (not in the evening) on a Saturday or Sunday for consultation with each other and the LSA. The LSA (or their representative) will then give each Servant an information sheet to read at Ward Feast. At the next Ward Council the motions and suggestions the Servants gather will be read to the Council (in the presence of the LSA or their representative). LSA members should not be Ward Council Members at the same time.

4. One Baha'i Center per Cluster (if possible)

This is already happening in some areas, but it isn't uniform. Smaller Communities which cannot afford to build a Center (i.e. don't have at least 171 active and contributing adult Baha'i Members) must form alliances with other Communities around them, or petition to use an established Baha'i Center that a large Community has already built. For example, if Topeka, Kansas, has a Baha'i Center that could comfortably fit 40 people (about the number of active adult Baha'is and their children) then smaller Communities around them can also use the Center; if they contribute financially to it, and if they divide into Wards and have their Feasts on nights that the Topeka Community doesn't have theirs. Topeka may not have 171 (9 X 19) active adult Baha'is. If so, it would then join with other Communities in a radius of 50 miles, and ask those Communities to join them to built or rent a Center. If Topeka had 43 adult active contributing Baha'is (i.e. "Members") then it would divide into Wards (anywhere from 3 to 5 Wards). This leaves plenty of nights open for Feasts for other Wards. If a nearby Community has 18 active Baha'is, then they could divine into two Wards (9 each), or decide to stay with one Ward (until their Membership exeeded 19). The Ward Council of the Topeka Community would have 3 to 5 Servants. One day the Topeka Community will have thousands of members, and at that time the Faith will have 6 or 7 Centers in the Community; each meeting one night per Badi month. In any Baha' Center there may be as many as 19 Wards. When a Center reaches 19 Wards that have 19 Members (active contributing adult Baha'is) then it is time to split the Wards (9 and 10) and open another Baha'i Center in the area. Baha'i Groups would continue to meet in the homes of other Baha'is.

5. Appoint Pastors over Sunday Schools.

What Christians need in order to become good Baha'is is familiarity. The more the Faith is different from what they grew up in, the less it will attract the masses. This is why there must be Unity-in-Diversity in worship at Baha'i Centers. Most of the religious masses are NOT 'social-activist' types, and will not enjoy the unceasing and relentless discussion of social-issues. They need an emotional outlet for worship, and the best way to do that is to mandate that Sunday Mornings be set aside in all Baha'i Center for Sunday Schools. These Sunday Schools would consist of:

1. A "praise service" where Gospel hymns are sung; many of them the same hymns popular in Evangelical circles. These hymns are most often about Jesus. This "Praise Service" should continue for 30 minutes at least.

2. A "testimony meeting" should follow with Baha'is assigned beforehand to give talks. It could be on any number of subjects, but it should emphasize religious and moral subjects.

3. A "bible-study" meeting should follow. This would be dedicated to reading and expounding the New Testament.

4. A small brunch for a social-gathering after Sunday School.

Many Baha'is today will not like this; since they often left the churches (mostly liberal ones) in order to become a Baha'i. But the principle of "Unity-in-DIVERSITY in worship" should be remembered. The Baha'is who do not wish to attend Sunday School should not attend. Saturdays are still open for discussions about 'World Peace, the Elimination of....". Even Sunday afternoons are still open. But Sunday mornings really must be set aside for this kind of worship; not a repeat of other Baha'is meetings, but one in which the discussion of 'social-issues' is put-off for the singing of hymns, Bible-study, sermons, and other things that most people need to emotionally express themselves spiritually.

In places with a large Jewish presence, then Saturday mornings (and perhaps Friday nights) should be set aside for "Synagogue"; with a Jewish emphasis on Baha'i worship. In areas where there Sunday Schools begin to overflow, then both Saturday and Sunday mornings should be set-aside for these meetings. These Saturday and Sunday Schools would not interfere with other Baha'i meetings; especially the Feasts. Going to Sunday School does not in any way take the place of going to Feast. Other meetings, such as poetry-readings, discussions on the 12 Principles/social-issues, 12-step help groups, etc., can take place in the afternoon and during the early evenings before Feast.

Each Center would include a 'Teaching Room' where Seekers could see videos and study in peace, or be taught by Baha'i Teachers.

Each Center would include a kitchen, a library/bookstore, two restrooms (one with a diaper table), a teaching room (explained above), a Feast room, a children's room, and a lecture room.

It is important that these pastors are called "Pastors". This is not 'priesthood'. You could call them "Directors of Sunday School", but Christian seekers and new Believers will be much more comfortable if you simply call them "pastors". They have no administrative function or ruling fuction (the LSA has that), but they would be helpers; men and women who are trained in how to teach Christians, and how to hold Sunday Schools. Each Pastor could have one or more Associate Pastors; as many as needful. This function would not take a seminary degree, but rather just a few hundred hours on online training in how to teach Christians, holding Sunday Schools, basic counceling, and some basics in music conducting and bible theology.

Many of you will protest this. But, I can assure you, unless Unity-in-diversity in worship is provided, then people will be turned away, and many will continue to look elsewhere to be 'spiritually-fed'. All "pastors" and "rabbis" are are "teachers", and there must needs be Baha'i Teachers; specific teachers for specific functions.

If the Baha'i Faith was just one more social-reform/UN supporting NGO ( appears to some to be little more) then there would be no reason for Unity-in-DIVERSITY in Worship. Yet, the Baha'i Faith claims it wants to convert the world. Without the religious masses this will not happen. And without diversity in worship this cannot be accomplished. This will be realized by Baha'is now, or in decades or centuries from now.

Why not now?

Today, all new Believers are expected to hold Feast every 19 days, and select from a number of monthly or weekly meetings; almost all of which have to do with the discussion or social-issues, or 'poetry-reading'. While a few social-activist personalities considers this "heaven", most will consider this dry, boring, repetitive, and, finally, spirit-less after several months or years of it. This is one big reason why the Faith has so much trouble retaining people; because it is difficult for most people to be as excited about 'working for the rights of women and world government and the establishment of an universal auxiliary language' for months and years on end without being also spiritually-fed.

People must be 'spiritually' fed, and this takes a lot more than just singing a few hymns at Feast and reading Baha'i prayers! Most people need more. MUCH more. Do you want most people? Or do you wish to continue to be a small powerless social-issues-centered NGO with dismal growth and dismal retention rates?

Without diversity in worship you will NEVER have "Unity"; much less "entry-by-troops".


*The Liberal churches, which preach the UN, race unity, equality of men and women, the "social gospel" are DYING! The Conservative Spirit-filled churchs are growing and thriving! Ask yourself "Why?"

*The Race Unity/World Peace/Equality Message had its day. That day is now over.

*The Baha'i Faith in the U.S. has a dismal conversion rate! This is because only one "Message" is used to prospect (attract Seekers).

*The Christian Seeker Media Campaign will attract tens of thousands of sincere Christian Seekers; IF it is used as presented and not "watered-down" into another "Race Unity/World Peace" media campaign.

*Full-page ads and/or PFIs must be used with a "Free Book Offer" to prospect.

*Baha'i Home Teachers must be trained to deliever the FBO (Free Book Offer) and tracts to the Respondants to the ad/PFI. They must be trained to "bond" with the Respondant, and to answer their questions.

*Baha'is in general MUST be taught about the Jesus of the Bible; One Who performed literal miracles, and Who arose from the dead on the third day and "appeared" literally (in literal visions) to many, Who offered His Blood as an atonement for our sins, and "who sanctified the souls of sinners" (as Baha'u'llah wrote). A "Jesus" who came to "unite cities" and "teach peace and tolerance" and who came to "advance the status of minorities and women" or merely to "prepare the way for Muhammmad" is NOT the Jesus of the Bible or history (nor indeed of the Holy Writings nor pilgrim's notes),and this fictional "Jesus" will REPULSE all Bible-believers now and forever! It is suggested that a series of articles in The American Baha'i be done to present the Jesus in the Bible and the Holy Writings, and to REFUTE common Baha'i MISunderstandings that Jesus came to....

"unite cities"
"teach peace and tolerance"
"improve the status of minorities and women" "merely to prepare for Muhammad--the greater Manifestaion" etc.

*Baha'i Home Missions must be established by clusters and even combinations of clusters in all areas a television or newspaper "ad" campaign would reach. The Mission must include mission apartments, a mission president, a mission committee, and mission rules and procedures; all uniform throughout the continental U.S.

*Baha'is on their Year-of-Service should spend at least 6 months (and preferrably 9 months) as "missionaries" assigned to one or more "missions"; spending their days "carding" (handing out ICs or "Invitation Cards" door-to-door and in university areas with high foot-traffic)and their evenings "teaching" Seekers or studying the Bible and the Holy Writings. They must have 19 days of training before assigned to a mission away from their home. They cannot date or go to school during this time.

*Baha'is MUST study the Bible, especially the Gospels and the Epistles of Paul, and learn to trust it! Liberal and radical Bible commentaries and "Jesus Seminar" materials should NOT be used! Conservative Bible commentaries should be used in "Bible Study Groups". Otherwise, you're only shooting yourselves in both feet! Obviously, ALL Baha'is can't study the Bible formally every week. There must be a cadre of Baha'is which study the Bible weekly; to be prepared to prospect and teach Bible-believers the Faith. They should be called "Baha'i Evangelists". The word "Evangelist" comes from the Greek and means "One who gives good news". Ideally, there should be one "Evangelist" for every 10 active Baha'is in every Community. They should have their own website, newsletter, and be able to network. All Evangelists should be Home Teachers, but many Home Teachers will not be Evangelists.

*Sunday morning "Praise Services" should be established with Gospel music that centers on devotional worship of Jesus! Bakti worship or Krishna by Baha'is still goes on in India, and is WHY entry-by-troops was achieved there! The UNending discussion of "social issues" and "world problems" will alienate MOST religious people, and has, and will continue. Give Jesus Sunday mornings. There is plenty of time for other things on other days and at other times.

*Appoint Pastors (Baha'i couples) over the Sunday Devotionals; especially those who have studied the Bible, and are from Bible-believing backgrounds.

*New Believers must be called "New Believers" and put into a "New Believers Class" until they complete a proscribed course of 19 "lessons" at the end of which they have a Confirmation ceremony and are given a Confirmation Certificate. While they are New Believers they must have a "Guide" appointed to them to befriend them and help teach them the Faith. The 19 New Believer Lessons should be taught once weekly each Badi month as a continuum by a trained teacher called an "New Believer Instructor". Only when they complete all 19 Lessons should they be considered as "Members" of the Community. The Certificate is a way to encourage attendance and completion of the 19 New Believer Lessons.

*Start building/renting Baha'i Centers for clusters, and even combinations of clusters, instead of just Communities! Large rich Communities have large centers, and smaller poorer Communities continue to have none. Have Baha'i architects design a "standard American Baha'i Center" that is inexpensive, seats 40 adults and children comfortably, has classrooms and bathrooms, and parking, a library, and two offices.

*Divide Communities into "Wards" (or any other term that you wish) of 19 active and contributing adults called "Members". Inactive Believers and non-contributing Believers are not "Members" of a Ward, but are members of the Baha'i Community. Allow Wards to meet for Feast at the Center on different nights during each Badi Month. When a Community reaches 361 Members (active contributing Baha'is over the age of 15) then divide it. FEASTS need not be the first day of each Badi Month, but any day. Each Ward (Feast-group) meets on a different day at the Baha'i Center. If a Community has, say, 3 Wards, then smaller Baha'i Communities and Groups in the cluster can meet on any night except the 3 nights the Community meets for Feast. This is the most effective use of Baha'i Centers.

*Appoint "Ward Servants" over each Ward, and have montly meetings where Ward Sevants "consults" with the LSA on behalf of their Ward. In larger Communities (like Los Angeles) consultation is absolutely impossible, and this is why Ward Servants would consult first with their Ward (9 to 19 active contributing adult Baha'is) and then consult with the LSA monthly and then go back to their Wards to review the decisions of the LSA.

*Use the Christian Seeker Media Campaign as outlined herein, but not before you have trained Home Teachers who know how to teach Evangelical Christians and to answer their questions and objections.

*EMBLAZON the Name of Baha'u'llah in the way provided, and you will create curiosity and millions of dollars of FREE advertising from the secular and Christian media.

*CONSULT only as to whether you wish to use these guidelines. If you "consult" as to the aspects of these things, you will water-it-down into just another "Race Unity/World Peace/Equality" campaign that will waste millions of dollars and fail.

If you follow these suggestions, you will have entry-by-troops.


Please understand the following:

*The VAST great majority of people are NOT interested in solving "world problems"! They never will be! That won't change! Human nature will not change. They are NOT going to join the Baha'i Faith to "solve world problems". They are concerned with their own problems. Most Christian people are interested in the Afterlife, in overcoming personal sin, in improving their own lives, in Bible-prophecy, in the Book of Revelations, in what Baha'is think of Jesus, in the Rapture, etc. This will never change.

*The VAST great majority of American Baha'is are moderate Liberals with social-activist personality types. This is true because of the exclusive use of the Race Unity/World Peace/Equality Message. Since that message is the ONLY ONE that has been used in the U.S., it fits that it has attracted (almost exclusively) moderately-Liberal-religious-people-with-social-activist-personality-types-who-are-not-currently-committed-to-any-church-or-religion. This is perhaps 1% of the American population; at most. MOST people are NOT this "type" and they NEVER will be! Most American Baha'is ARE this "type", but this is merely because only ONE "Message" has been used to prospect in the U.S., and thus only one "type" of Seeker comes into the Faith. A small "trickle" of bible-believers has entered the Faith, but this was in spite of the 'Standard Message' and not because of it. The Race Unity/World Peace/Equality Message works with 1% of the U.S. population, and that's all. But even the VAST great majority of this 1% will never become Baha'is, because the Moonies, the Transcendental Meditationists, the Ahmadis, and THOUSANDS of New Age cults offer the SAME "spiritual solutions" to World Problems.

*The VAST great majority of Liberal social-activist personality types will NEVER join the Baha'i Faith. Why should they? They have their own religious (or non-religious) beliefs, and they have many secular and religious organizations to carry-out their wishes that does not require things the Faith requires (i.e. restraints on one's sexual life, obedience to many laws and ordinances, etc.). They'll NEVER join! The VAST great majority of those who would be attracted by "Race Unity/World Peace/Equality" will NEVER join the Faith because there are THOUSANDS of other organizations/groups they can belong to in order to work for these social goals without becoming Baha'is.

*The VAST great majority of Bible-believers will NEVER be attracted to the Faith via the "12 Principles" or "spiritual solutions to world problems". They will be REPULSED by the Baha'i Faith as long as Baha'is in the U.S. DENY Jesus' resurrection, and think He came merely to "teach peace and tolerance" and "to improve the status of minorities and women". As long as Baha'is remain ignorant of the Bible, especially the Gospels and Epistles of Paul, they can FORGET about prospecting and teaching Bible-believers.

Perhaps you don't want Bible-believers? Perhaps you don't want Evangelical Christians, Mormons, Traditional Catholics, etc. Then do as you have done before, and you'll never attract them.

Want entry-by-troops, or a continued 0.9% "growth" [sic]?

The choice is yours.

Thank you.

Darrick Evenson

As far as I am concerned I cannot re-enter the Faith when false rumors are being spread about me by ABMs and others with no condemnation whatsover by the NSA. Indeed, it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to redeclare; because of the false rumors. If you'd like to know my personal story, you can read it online here:

19 April 2004

This article is NOT copyrighted! Please make copies for others.


Other Websites By Darrick Evenson

*AND THEY SAW CHRIST LIVING (A Reconciliable Between the Gospel Accounts of Jesus' Resurrection and 'Abdu'l-Baha's comments in Some Answered Questions)

*Abortion in Babi and Baha'i Holy Law

*Pro-Choice "Baha'is" & The Racist Origins of the Pro-Choice Movement

*The 1890-91 Prophecies of Joseph Smith FULFILLED in the Baha'i Faith

*9 Rules in Teaching Christians the Baha'i Faith

*The Seer Joseph Smith & The Baha'i Faith

*The Baha'i Faith: An Introduction for Evangelical Christians

*A Baha'i View of the End-Times

*A Baha'i View of the Afterlife


Shoghi Effendi~

"The practice of abortion--which is absolutely criminal as it involves the deliberate destruction of human life--is forbidden in the Cause." (to an individual Believer, 25 August 1939)

What part of "forbidden" don't you understand?

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