OK all you crazy cats out there. This is an ancient image of me. I need to get a new pitcure taken. I don't always look like this. Only
when I get my hair bleached do i sport such a fasion.
Don't you dig the accordian music? If any of you know where i can get an inexpensive squeeze box let me know. I think i'm into the whole polka thing. Should i be ashamed of that?
More pics will follow..........someday
Well, it all started back in the day when God said, "Let there be light..."
But anyway, here I am now. This part of the page is devoted to me. I know that sounds
a bit egotistical, but there's gotta be someone out there who wants to know all about me!
I think I'll just start with who, what, and where I am at this point. If you want
details of the past, you can e-mail me and ask for them. Otherwise, I will try to keep
this short, yet informative.
the following has been updated since 6/98.
I am is ever developing. I've always been Tim Sisk, nonetheless, I've changed alot
during my 22 years on Earth (although I don't look,or sometimes act, like I've changed much since i was about 16). I will probably change more too. As of last night I have realized I'm going through a "wilderness experience." Those of you familiar with the event of the nation of Isreal wondering in the desert on their way to the promised land, or the event of John the Baptist preparing for the coming of Jesus in the desert, or even the event of Paul going into the desert for two years in preparation to be an apostle; will understand what I mean when I say I'm in a wilderness experience. I am at a point in my life where I know undoubtedly the call of God on my life, but I need time now to prepare. Preparation is long and hard. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever make it out of the 'wilderness.' But last night as the pastor's wife was speaking she said that the bigger the call of God on your life, the more preparation it requires. I keep thinking about a friend of mine who is a missionary in Mexico. It was over 12 years after God spoke to his heart before he actually was ready to go to Mexico. The Holy Spirit is constantly working on
the inside of me to perfect me (Phil 1:6). I daily strive to renew my mind by the washing
of the Word of God(Romans 12:2).
I am is many things. I am a student at Central Missouri State University.
I am a commercial pilot with instrument and multi-engine land ratings and a certified flight instructor. Now I'm going to stat on my Airframe and Powerplant certification, so I can not only fly them, but fix them too! I am the lead worshiper for the here on campus. And I play drums at my church. Catch it's services every Sunday at 1:00 on PAX-TV if you live in the Kansas City area.
I'm not Baptist, but that doesn't matter now, does it! I am a kid preparing to graduate in two years and take on the world. There is much more to what I am, but I'm kinda
in a hurry so I'll move on.
I am. Well, I pretty much answered that one in the last paragraph -- I'm
at CMSU. To be more specific, Warrensburg, Missouri. About an hour away from Kansas City. To be
even more specific, 424 Houts Hall. Where I want to be is a whole 'nother place. I want to be in Mexico.
God has called me to be a missionary pilot. Specifically in Mexico, but not limited to Mexico. For some reason in the past few months i've been wanting to learn Russian. Maybe God has some plans for me in the Russia/The Baltic States
as well. I've been to Mexico twice. Once for a little less than 2 weeks, and once for a little less than 2 months. I want
to go back this winter. In fact, I am co-planning a trip back to Guadalajara for a couple weeks after Christmas. So, that's enough info for
now. If this is your first time to GO EVERYWHERE BAREFOOT then please sign the guestbook and come back often. If
you've been here before, aren't you proud of me that I finally spent some time on this!?
Pray always -- I Thessalonians 5:17
Here's a bio of info that helps describes a little bit more about me.
Birthday: April 13th, 1997 (yes, sometimes my birthday is on Friday). Residence: I permanently live in Harrisonville, Mo, but I live in Warrensburg, Mo during my months at college. Social Status: Ask me some other time when I actually know. Favorite Color: Red, but blue is my next favorite. I look good in blue colors. Really, I do. Favorite Food: Just pick anything besides Dim Sum or Pozole. I like pizza a whole lot (you know, I eat as much as I want, and still stay skinny....it makes girls hate me).
What else do you want to know?
This is my sister (and I) but she is really not my sister, but she is fun to pick on............literally. This was taken in Tecoman, México.