My Vision
this is my heart, my vision
I have a burden for Mexico and it's people. It's not a heavy burden. Jesus said that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. But, still it is a burden, or a call you might say. it's a responsibility that i take very seriously. i would give up anything to fulfill the vision that God has placed in my heart. At times i have given up lifelong dreams. But God is faithful to give us the desires of our hearts when we are true to His ways. He conforms our desires to His and once you've experienced that there is no going back. You choose to continue on. through pressures of people, circumstance and Hell itself, you continue, knowing that once you've finished your job the reward will have no match.
My passion is to be a missionary pilot. Specifically in Mexico, but also Central and South America, and Maybe someday in Russia. These regions and countries are full of people without hope and they need to hear the good news of hope and faith. The miracle of salvation brings everlasting hope and an unconquerable faith. it is genuine.............. it is the harvest