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This is missions Baby!!!

This is the main focus of my webpage. Missions are the mandate that God has given us if we are to hasten the return of His son to earth.
I have a list of counries with facts and prayer information. If you have additional information on countries already listed, or on countries I don't have listed then drop me an e-mail and I will definitely update them. Thank you for your prayers for these countries, their citizens, and their leaders. Shalom
I am in the process of developing a page specifically for México. It will contain pictures, personal stories, and links. Eventually it may contain all of Central and South America.

United Arab Emirites

             Capital: Bangkok
          Population: 55,900,000
              Leader: King Bhumbibol Adulyadej, President Sunthorn Kongsompong
            Language: Thai
            Religion: 95% Theravada Buddhism, 4% Muslim, 1% Christian
     Bible Languages: Thai
 Major People Groups: Thai, Malay, Chinese

 Prayer Points
1. Despite years of missionary work few Thai have come to know the Lord. the gospel has spread to the Chinese and the Northern tribal peoples. Pray for the gospel to reach the Thai.

2. Pray for the young men and women that have been taken from their villages and forced into a life of prostitution. Pray that the government would not turn their backs on prostitution and would fight hard against it.

3. The Thai live in fear of the spirit world. the spirit houses they have set up reveal their fears. Pray that God would show Himself more powerful than the spirits.

             Capital: Jakarta
          Population: 190,136,221
              Leader: President General Suharto
            Language: Bahasa Indonesia
            Religion: 88% Sunni Muslim, 9.6% Christian, 1.9% Hindu
     Bible Languages: Indonesia (however, there are over 500 languages spoken in Indonesia)
 Major People Groups: Malay, Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese

 Prayer Points
1. The Aceh people are still an Islamic group today. But some 7 centuries ago, they were the ones that influenced Indonesians to follow Islam. Pray that they would come to the Lord and then take th gospel to the other peoples.

2. Over the last 10 years, the government has increasingly set laws in place that would hinder Christians from spreading the gospel. Pray that whatever forces are behind this would be destroyed and that God's news of His Son would flow freely.

3. Pray that the 300 different ethnic groups would be able to hear the gospel.

             Capital: Abu Dhabi
          Population: 1,679,000
              Leader: President Sheikh Zayid bin Sultan Al Nuhayyan
            Language: Arabic, Persian, and English
            Religion: 96% Muslim, 2%Hindu/Buddhist, 2% Protestant
     Bible Languages: Arabic
 Major People Groups: Arab, Iranis, Pakistanis, Indians

 Prayer Points
1. Few expatriate Christians are seeking opportunities to share their faith becuase of Islamic fundamentalism. Pray for courage, wisdom, and open hearts.

2. Several Christain medical agencies have been asked to serve the poeple. These ministries can only continue if they are in good relations with the authorities. Pray that the government would continue to invite Christian services and that the workers would start seeing visible fruit.

3. The government allows forms of media, such as books, video tapes, and radio broadcasts to convey Christian thought. Pray that believers would take full advantage of these liberties and use them to evangelize all people groups. Pray for Bible translations to occur.

             Capital: Amman
          Population: 3,170,000
              Leader: King Hussein
            Language: Arabic
            Religion: 93% Sunni Muslim, 2.5% Orthodox, 2.2% Roman Catholic
     Bible Languages: Arabic
 Major People Groups: Arab, Palestinian, Jordanian

 Prayer Points
1. Islam is the officail religion, but the constitution prohibits discrimination and promotes the free exercise of religious beliefs and worship, while not allowing Muslims to change religion. Pray that Muslims would see the freedom that Christ brings and desire to walk in that freedom.

2. The Gulf War has brought many Muslims to question Islam, and the war has also put Jordan in economic hardship because of its pro-Iraq position. Pray that the questions and economy would lead them to look for answers in Jesus.

3. This area has seen one political force after another in control over the years. Pray for lasting peace for the country and for the West Bank.

             Capital: Ulan Bator
          Population: 2,150,000
              Leader: Punsalimaagiyn Ochirbat
            Language: Halh Mongolian
            Religion: 66% Athiest, 32% Lamaistic Buddhism, 2% Muslim, 
                      A few Christian believers
     Bible Languages: Bilbe translation work in Halh Mongolian in progress
 Major People Groups: Halh Mongolian, Russian, Kazakh

 Prayer Points
1. Mongolia is caught between wanting freedom from communism and the economic pains caused by moving towards a free market economy. Pray for the communist government as they try to balance between the old communist ways and new reforms.

2. With the return of the communist government, the door for evangelism could be closing. Pray that this door will remain open and that the gospel will continue to move forward.

3. In the last few years Mongolians have come to know Jesus. Pray for the Bible translation to be completed.

             Capital: Tirana
          Population: 3,395,000
              Leader: Dr. Sali Berisha
            Language: Gheg (north) and Tosk (south)
            Religion: 70% Islam, 20% Eastern Orthodox, 10% Roman Catholic
     Bible Languages: New Testament in both Gheg and Tosk
 Major People Groups: Gheg, Tosk, and Greek

 Prayer Points
1. Freedom from communism has not increased the standard of living in Albania. Many people continue to live at, or close to, poverty. Pray for the poor.

2. Pray that Christain radio broadcasts from Albania would produce fruit. Pray for effective follow up of those that desire more information.

3. Albania was an official atheistic state, but today many of the people say they are Muslim. Pray that the Gheg and Tosk people would come to the Lord.

             Capital: Beijing (Peking)
          Population: 1,169,619,601
              Leader: Yang Shangkun
            Language: Putunghua (Mandarin Chinese), 8 other languages with over
                      600 dialects
            Religion: 62% Atheist, 28% Chinese religions (Taoism, Buddhism, 
                      Confucianism), 5% Christian, 2% Anamist, 2%Muslim
     Bible Languages: Chinese, over 100 languages have no translation
 Major People Groups: Han Chinese, Ethnic Minorities

 Prayer Points
1. Pray for God to change the hearts of government officials. Pray that the authorities will grant Christians more freedom to worship and evangelize.

2. Pray for the Christians who are being persecuted. This persecution causes heretical churches to be formed because believers are fearful to meet with larger groups of believers. This allows for false teaching to spring up fairly easily. Pray for believers to take an uncomprimising stance on God's Word.

3. Pray for the renewing of the Chinese mind. Ask God to open their eyes to His Truth and not to the teachings of false religion.

             Capital: Rabat
          Population: 27,542,000
              Leader: King Hassan II
            Language: Arabic, several Berber dialects; French is used for business, government and education
            Religion: 99.8% Islam, .16% Christian
     Bible Languages: Bible in Arabic
 Major People Groups: Arab, Berber, Imazighran, Shleuh

 Prayer Points
1. Islamic fundamentalism has been rising in recent years. Their potnetial to have influence is increased because of a sharp decline in the standard of living in recent years. Pray that Islamic fundamentalism would be broken through the power of God.

2. In an Islamic state, conversion to Christianity is against the law and punishable. Families take great pride in being Islamic. Conversion from Islam is hard both at the state and family level. Pray for the protection of the few converts.

3. King Hassan II is a political and spiritual leader. He has influence in other Islamic countries as well. Pray that this man would come to the Lord and use his influence in Morocco and elsewhere.

             Capital: Bishkek
          Population: 4,370,000
              Leader: Askar Akaev
            Language: Krygyz
            Religion: Muslim, .001% Christian
     Bible Languages: Bible portions in Krygyz
 Major People Groups: Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Tadzhik, Russian

 Prayer Points
1. The Kyrgyz live in the small towns and villages of Kyrgyzstan. These people are almost completely untouched by any Christian witness. Pray that the Kyrgyz would have an opportunity to hear the gospel and receive it when it comes.

2. Pray for this young country as they try and set up a new government and run a democracy in a post communist environment.

3. Living in Kyrgyzstan are German, Russian, and Ukrainian believers. Pray that these people groups would desire to give the gospel to their Kyrgyz countrymen.

             Capital: Addis Ababa
          Population: 55,000,000
              Leader: President Meles Zanawi
            Language: Amharic, over 200 major dialects
            Religion: 40% Muslim, 40% Ethiopian Orhtodox
     Bible Languages: Bible in Arabic, many of the other dialects have no scriptures
 Major People Groups: Amhara, Tigreans, Oromos, Afars, Somalis (the last 3 are Muslim peoples)
 Prayer Points
1. Pray for the peoples as they struggle to live in post-Marxist Ethiopia. Pray for the establishment of a stable government that will continue to allow the gospel to be preached.

2. Unemployment is more than 40%. Pray for jobs to be created and for people to make enough money to live on.

3. Pray for the training of new believers, that they could learn to love the Lord deeply and be able to share Him with others.

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