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Beckie's Testimony

On February 19, 1996 my Dad, at the age of 72, passed away. I was 32 and unsaved. I was angry and bitter that the one man in my life that was constant was no longer here. I didn’t know God’s wonderful comfort in bad situations because I didn’t have a relationship or much knowledge of such things.

In the summer of 1996 I let my 12-year-old son go to a church camp with his 5th grade teacher. (We lived in a small town in Missouri where everyone knew everyone). In October of that year he came to me and told me that while he was at camp he had gotten saved and he wanted to get baptized because he thought that would “really save” him.

I had grown up in a church going household, so I knew that baptizing him was not why he was saved. I also did not realize that what I did know about the Bible and Jesus was learned. I had been in church my whole childhood, so I just assumed everyone knew these “Bible” things.

This is when God started working on me. I felt guilty for not having my children in church. I had two failed marriages under my belt and was going nowhere fast! I was a single mom with a college education I couldn’t use because we lived in a small area that didn’t need my skills so I was waiting tables (an honest profession, but…).

I decided (or thought it was me but now know it was God) to start taking my kids to church. We went to a small church in the country. The first Sunday I attended I went without my son because he had been invited to go to a friends for the weekend. So my daughter (age 8 then) and I got dressed and went.

When I walked in that little church, I felt something. I didn’t know what it was, but it was so strong! From the first song (Blessed Jesus) to the last prayer I sat and cried.

We left that afternoon and I was taking my daughter to lunch when I had an overwhelming need to go back to that church. I did a U turn on a very curvy road and went back. I kept thinking that everyone would be gone, but the Pastor and his wife were still there. I asked to speak to them and told them my short story. We talked and they shared things I had heard a million times as a kid, but when they shared it was like I was hearing it for the first time. I accepted the gift of salvation that Jesus offers to all who will take it and my life became a new adventure on October 26, 1996 at the age of 33.

Three months later, on January 28, 1997 my daughter had a stroke. She was one month away from her 9th birthday. I was not with her when she went into a coma, she was at my ex mother-in-law’s house. When I went to get her, they were not home. A friend was there to say they had gone to town to the Dr. I drove the 5 miles into town and sat in the Dr.’s office because they were closed for lunch.

When the Dr. got back he told me that Sami was on her way to the hospital in the nearest town. I can’t tell you how I got there, but when I arrived they had transferred Sami to a larger hospital an hour away. This part I do remember vividly.

I got in my little 4-cylinder car and started to the next hospital. As I was driving I could only say a 911 prayer…God, HELP ME!! Guess what… He did!! After the initial panic I began to pray in earnest… Father, I know you know what is best. If it is time for Sami to join you, I will miss her and be deeply grieved, and if she lives, I will love her and treasure her so much. I am putting this in Your capable hands. Amen

When I got to the hospital, I signed the forms and finally was taken to my lovely child. She was hooked to everything you can imagine. She was in a coma and I was told she would not make it more that 15 minutes. I knew that was wrong, I had a great peace about this (only one who has experienced it can understand). After the 15 minutes they moved her to pediatric ICU ward and said "don’t expect her to live through the night." I still had that deep peace.

My new church family came and we prayed in the waiting room, in her room, over her, under her and all around the hospital.

Sami was in the coma for three days, but 8 days after the stroke, we were on our way home. She tells a wonderful testimony about the flowers on the stairway to heaven and Jesus waiting at the top.

I know that if I had not 1. Accepted the gift of salvation and 2. Given the whole situation to God that Sami would not have made it through all of this.

Today I have a very healthy almost 14-year-old daughter free of all medication and no side effect. God is good!!

Today my children both are saved and they have a Mom and Dad (step but more loving than biological) who love and care for them and above all love Jesus and the life we have because we serve Him.

Oh, and God did give me the comfort to make it through my Dad’s death and the angry feelings I harbored. I know that one day soon I will see my Dad again and the reunion will be so glorious because Jesus will be our host!

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