Without Celebrity Boxing, Americans have been searching for something to pass the dull and lonely evening hours, but with the Democrat Primary Debates came a new miniseries of mindless death matches for advertisers to capitalize on.. Howard Dean became an early front runner, and the rest quickly ganged up on him.. By the night of the Iowa caucuses, Kerry and Edwards easily beat Dean.. The idea by that point wasn't to pick your favorite candidate, but to get behind the guy who had the best chance of beating Bush.. ‘Anybody But Bush’ became a popular slogan.. Obviously, Kerry isn't everyone's first choice, but he's the guy who can supposedly beat Bush.. The Democrats may not be excited about Kerry, but you can bet that they’re all going to vote for him, because their ultimate goal is to take back the White House.. Perhaps if the Democrats were as concerned about the lives of our soldiers as they are about winning in November, they would realize that we're in the midst of a battle, so even if they don’t agree with Operation Iraqi Freedom, the time to argue about whether or not America should be in Iraq has passed, and any further quibbling is more than irrelevant, it’s harmful.. If you believe the claim that the war in Iraq is a distraction from the war on terrorism, then that means you actually support the war on terrorism.. And if you support the war on terrorism, then you should realize that if we pull out of Iraq, it will only encourage the enemy to fight even when it looks hopeless.. It will give the impression that Americans are weak, and if the fighting goes on for too long, that we'll give up and go home.. They couldn’t be more wrong.. We’re never going to retreat, no matter how much the left kicks and screams.. This isn’t Vietnam.. The soldiers fighting this war are there because they want to defend America and defeat terrorism.. See, I don’t have to enlist in the military to have a strong favorable opinion of the war… so if that’s what you’re thinking, then maybe you should go join al Qaeda since you’re so against our war efforts.. I understand that a lot of conservatives believe that the left hates America.. I’m not one of those conservatives.. I know that liberals love America.. Where else would liberals have the freedom to get away with the things they say and do..? At what point in history has there ever been a place where someone had the luxury of criticizing their home while simultaneously working to destroy everything that is great about it..? It's completely obvious that the left loves America, but unfortunately, they love it for the wrong reasons.. The American left are that jerky guy who is only dating a girl to get laid… and if she isn't putting out, he just rapes her.. The liberals get all whiny when the conservatives called them anti-American.. "We can disagree with the war and hate our government but still love America.." Yea, you can, but don't pretend that you support our troops when they're in a shithole of a country miles away from their families getting shot at so that you can continue to get up on a stage at an anti-war rally and encourage people to attack our troops.. I'm not making that up.. I've both heard and read quotes from the insanely left who call themselves Americans calling on others to help Iraqi insurgents fight our military, because it's the only way to show Bush that America won't stand for his war.. Yea, the human shield thing worked out pretty well, too.. Those guys ended up realizing that most of the Iraqis hated Saddam, because they went over there to protect civilians, and Saddam was ordering the Iraqi military to use the civilians as human shields, so that didn’t last too long.. You can love America for preserving your freedom of speech, but if you use that freedom to attack our war efforts, then you're not supporting the troops.. And you can support the troops by protesting the war and demanding to pull our soldiers out of hostile territory, but then you don't really love America..