I'm not racist, but I fucking hate the French.. No, I don't really, but I just thought it would be funny to say that.. Honestly, France is on the other side of the world, and I'm so busy purposely buying American products and accidentally buying Chinese products that I don't really notice France.. They can do whatever the hell they want in their damn country, but I don't want them dictating we can do in ours.. Leading up to the Iraq War, the French went out of their way to stop America from putting pressure on Saddam Hussein to disarm peacefully.. After twelve years of ineffective U.N. Resolutions, someone finally decided to step up to the plate and hold Saddam Hussein accountable, and the French sided with the enemy.. It actually turned out to be a good thing though, because we got to hear a bunch of funny French jokes like: Q. How can you tell that a Frenchman has been in your backyard..? A. Your dog is knocked up and your garbage can in empty. But in addition to laughing publicly at racist jokes on the French’s behalf, it was great because the Democrats got incredibly defensive of the French both in print and on television nearly every day.. "The French are our pals.. Why, if it weren't for them, we would have lost the Revolutionary War!" ...yea, and all those times they've done so much for us in the two-hundred years that followed.. So after the liberals started kissing French ass telling us how great the French are, and how we should be more like them, and how Bush is Hitler, and how Chirac is JFK, the next thing you know, France creates a law banning Muslim women from wearing head scarves.. So much for freedom of religion.. Card carrying members of the ACLU were shitting their pants in disbelief.. Islam is the only religion in America safe from the ACLU's crusade to dismantle organized religion so you know they had to be upset.. Michael Moore actually devoted part of a chapter to French loving in his latest book: "Dude, Where's My Country?".. To show how much he disapproved of the French anti-Muslim law, he showed up at the Cannes Film Festival to tout his anti-Bush film "Fahrenheit 9/11".. Moore doesn't hesitate to trash Bush for things as petty as having a Southern accent, but he eats up all of the praise the Muslim hating French give to him, (and everything else in sight).. Michael Moore is a role model.. Anyway, I don't know what's worse... the French government banning Muslims from practicing their religion, or the French government saying that it was for their own protection, because French people like to beat up innocent Muslims for being Muslim.. At any rate, there wasn't a peep from any of the people who had been defending France so passionately mere months prior to the shocking new law.. Those people sort of tried to pretend like they never said any of that stuff.. Not that I couldn't have seen this coming.. Just because the French didn't want a war with Iraq doesn't make them peace loving liberals.. It just makes them pussies.. When, since Napoleon Bonaparte, has France ever stood up for anything..? Even though Napoleon was a despot, at least he had a pair.. I remember a few years back, France made international headlines when Jean Marie Le Pen received a large number of votes in France.. Le Pen just happens to be the leader of Frances Nationalist Front.. So the anti-Muslim head scarf thing doesn't surprise me one bit.. And the fact that I knew more about the French than the liberals who were so quck to defend them surprised me even less.. If discriminating against Muslims weren’t enough, the French took away another right that Americans hold so dear... the right to peacefully assemble.. In June of 2004, President Bush paid a quick visit to our buddies in France so that Jacques Chirac could tell the world how much he and President Bush were “like-minded” in the reconstruction process of Iraq.. While visiting America’s long time European ally, Chirac actually banned French citizens from their right to protest.. How much more do I need to say..? By the time you're done reading this, if you're a liberal, you probably hate France more than you hate Christianity..