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Kim and Jackie's Tribute to B*witched!

Those of you who don't know who B*witched is what planet are you living on??? in case you were wondering though they are 4 very talented girls names Keavy, Edele, Lindsay, and Sinead. All of these girls are born in Ireland except for Lindsay who was born in Greece (later in her life she moved to Ireland thank god!!). These girls are full of energy, spirit, happiness, laughter, and so much more!!! These girls bring joy to people's lives though music. Believe me I know I am one of them. Let me tell you something B*witched changed my life around. I was going through tough times in my life, and no saw me smile in months til I saw B*witched in concert. It changed my life. I am living proff of what their music can do to you!

Keavy and Edele come from a musical family ( in case you didn't know their brother Shane is in BoyZone!)they would watch Shane look up to him and then finally the messed around with performing and writing their own songs! All the needed then were some kind and nice people who wanted the same dream that they wanted to achieve.

Sinead's car broke down and she went to shop little did she know that Keavy a mechanic there would be her future band mate! Yup that's right Keavy and her got to talking and found out they wanted the same thing! Now for Lindsay......a musician learning piano at 7 and guitar at 13, Lindsay met up with Keavy at kick-boxing classes.

There you had it..They were soon on their way to B*witch the world! They then got cheap recording gear and got started! They knew they were on the right path when the neighbors would tell them to turn it up! They just hit it off musically and socially! These girls got it together and got a deal! They sold more albums then the Spice Girls! Better Beware B*witched will B*witch you soon!

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 B*Witched Headquarters

The Spell of B*witched Award

One visit another B*Witched site by one of the makers of this site? Kim has made a tribute to Keavy and Edele page!!! All of you can check it out at Kim's Keavy and Edele Universe

Features on This site

Click here to learn about Edele!
Click here to learn about Keavy!
Click here to learn about Lindsay!
Click here to lean about Sinead!
Click here to hear the MOST RECENT concert review!! 8/15!!!
Group Pics
Keavy Pics
More Keavy Pics!
Edele Pics
More Edele Pics
Even More Edele Pics
Tour Dates
Lindsay Pics
More Lindsay Pics
Sinead Pics
More Sinead Pics
More Group Pics!
Even More Group Pics!
Click here to see Concert Pics I took from FRONT ROW!!
Click here to see PICS I took from the B*WITCHED SIGNING!

Special Thanks to These Sites.....
