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undefined "The Trouble With Crystal Balls"
"The Trouble With Crystal Balls"
(or as Tamy put it "I'm a Big Dummy" )

(Author's note - This one is staying up just for kicks. Heh. A true oldie and not well written, but it's comical in it's own way. Big thanks goes to Tamy on this one for her help with tweaking, not to mention the creative process.)

Old witch Hagar was going through her daily routine of chores. Feed the robeast, watch Zarkon make a fool of himself ( which was the most fun ), clean her broom, and polish her crystal ball.

As she was walking down the dark corridor toward her labratory, she heard a very distinct crash. "Oh great, now what!" Hagar hobbled along as quickly as she could. When she entered her lab Cossack was standing next to the pedestal where her crystal ball should have been. That's when she saw the floor surrounding the pedestal littered with glass- glass from her favorite crystal ball! She was outraged.

"Cossack, you idiot! Look what you've done!" She whacked him in the head with her staff as she said this. Hagar and Cossack were usually good friends, but this was pushing it too far! Crystal balls were expensive and hard to find. It wasn't often that the Home Shopping Channel carried them. What was she going to do? The old witch yelled at Cossack some more.

Cossack, who wasn't the most intelligent person on Doom said, "Oh...hi Hagar..uh..I was just passing through...Gotta go!" Cossack tried to slip out the door, but Hagar thrust her staff out in front of him.

"Where do you think you're going, you clumsy fool! King Zarkon and Prince Lotor are going to attack some lowly planet today and I needed that crystal ball!!

Now that you've broken it I won't be able to keep in touch with them, and that means that I won't know when to send out the robeast! I ought to turn you into a - "Hagar was trying to think of something really horrible to turn him into to. She finally spit out, "a wart on Zarkon's butt!" Cossack shivered in fear. Hagar grumbled, "No, wouldn't'd be an improvement for you!" Cossack tried to leave again but Hagar's staff was still blocking his way. Cossack decided to humor Hagar and said, "All right, I'll get you another one. Ah...where do you get a crystal ball anyway?" Hagar slowly lowered her staff and muttered, "How am I supposed to know. That's your problem! You better get me one, Cossack, or else!" Raising her staff once more for effect. Cossack gulped. Hagar was no fun at all when she was mad!

A truly stupified (and that didn't take all that much for him) Cossack left the lab wandered through the dark halls, and wondered where he could get a crystal ball. He knew that without the robeast there was little chance of a victory. Heck, lately even with the robeast, there was little chance of victory thanks to Voltron! King Zarkon, was begining to get fed up with their losing streak. Cossack decided that he would probably have better luck outside of the castle.

Once outside, he was surrounded by merchant carts. There were goods from all over the Universe. Jewels, pottery, hundreds of things all around, but no crystal balls. The general was begining to get a little worried, and with good reason - who would want to get zapped by Hagar! Cossack thought to himself, ..Now where am I going to find a crystal ball? Then he saw it..the store that had everything in the Universe at low everyday prices! "Wal-Mart!" the ecstatic Cossack exclaimed."I'm saved!" He knew Prince Lotor went there to buy gifts for Princess Allura. Surely they would carry a crystal ball!

Hurriedly he walked through the store trying to find a crystal ball. He didn't find anything even close. Realizing his dilema, he knew he'd have to improvise. Cossack turned and walked toward the electrical department....


As Cossack entered the labratory he was greeted by a very nervous Hagar. "Please tell me you found one! Well?" "Ah, not exactly." he said hesistantly, nervously shifting from one foot to the other. "What do you mean 'not exactly?!" Hagar cried, waving her stick frantically. "I couldn't find one...sooo...I got these instead!" Cossack grinned with pride. Hagar noticed that he was holding two new, state of the art cellular phones. It was her turn to be suprised. Hagar muttered to herself, "Hmmm...Primco..not bad.." She sighed heavily and said, "Well, they'll have to do...." Cossack breathed a sigh of relief. Now he wouldn't be turned into a wart or whatever. He liked his handsome self! King Zarkon's Royal Throne Room...

"Hagar. Hagar. Hey, old witch are you there?" King Zarkon bellowed unto the phone. Nothing happened. The angry King turned to his son Prince Lotor. "Lotor, how do you work this thing?"

Lotor, who had been startled out of yet another daydream about Princess Allura, rolled his eyes and looked up at his father from his kneeling postion at the bottom of the stairs and remarked, "Well father, you have to turn it on first..." This he said with a smirk. Zarkon suddenly realized his mistake and decided to play it smart. "I knew that you idiot! I just wanted to see if you knew how! " Turning on the phone he got a hold of the witch and sent the robeast out to fight Voltron. They usual.

Cossak was smiling to himself at the end of that day thinking of what a great day it had been. The only reason he thought that was because Hagar and Lotor had been yelled at, not him. It was nice to see that for a change!

As Cossack left the throne room, he tripped over Kitty, who yowled and jumped on Zarkon's lap! Of course, Kitty had all it's claws out, which caused Zarkon to yell, much to the amusement of Lotor and Hagar.

Zarkon, spying Cossack sneeking out the room, bellowed, "Cossack!!" Cossack cringed - unfortunatly, he knew his time would come...

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