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One Tree

The tree bends in the gale,
Overcome, weak, no longer strong.
The wind presses relentlessly,
Always beating,
Whipping the tortured arms,
Pulling at the weathered roots.
Once, the tree stood straight,
Once, it was mighty, gallant,
A king among its kind.
Once, in a summertime long past,
Birds nested there,
Fluttering their wings,
Singing gaily.
Once, green grass flourished,
Soft and fragrant,
Lending its care to shade-seekers.
Once, cherry blossoms bloomed,
Pink as the dawntime light,
Admired by even the brilliant sun.
Once, companions gathered 'round,
Rooted firmly, proud.
Now, the tree stands alone.
The emerald carpet is no more,
Brown filth and sludge course
Through a once ripe land.
Now, the birds have fled,
Driven out by the storm of madness.
Now, the harsh wind sucks
The lifeblood from its trunk,
Sapping its strength, polluting its air.
On this great, barren, lifeless plain,
One tree stands,
Attempting to push back the wind,
To fight, to strive,
To bring back the life forgotten.
On this great, barren, lifeless plain,
One tree stands.
It sees what others refuse to.
          by Raina (1996)