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About me!

HOMEAGE TITLE: Penelope's Groovy Homepage
SCHOOL: Bedford Road High school!
ADDRESS: I don't think so!
CITY/STATE: Saskatoon Sk in Canada EH??
PHONE #: 1-800-U-WISH

Welcome to my homepage. I know that it is not much now but I am just starting I hope you like it so far. Please sign my guest book! You can e-mail me anytime. My address is at the bottom. My hobbies are dancing , reading, babysitting and of course surfing the net. I'm still thinking of other ideas for this page. I just got a German Shepard and her name is Socks. She is so cute. She is just a puppy and I have so many stories to tell. This one time, she found an old baby soother that I had to use for a play, and she walked around the house sucking it in her mouth. I still call her Maggie! Her name is Socks cause she has one white paw and it looks like a sock. My best friends include: Renee, Candace, Janice, Katie, Myra Angie, Phil, Kelly, Glenon, and Shelley. You guys are all great! I had a cocker spaniel named Willo but she was hit by a car, so I would like to remind you all to drive safe. I live in Saskatoon Sk. in Canada and I love chatting in the chathouse, mplayer and you may see me on yahoo. Mabey I will see you there sometime. I work at Mcdonalds and I finally got my liscence.

And you can see me on icq!! If you want my icq number you have to e-mail me!