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Signs of Extreme Obsession

1. You think about The Monkees every day
2. When you hear someone say Mickey Mouse you think of Micky Dolenz
3. You buy a green hat like the one Mike has and wear it never taking it off
4.You start buying 60s fashion cloths...*nothing wrong with that*
5. you go to EVERY Monkees page on the net ....*nothing wrong with that either..i do that all the time*
6. You sing The Monkees songs in your sleep
7. You always find yourself talking about the Monkees or something Monkee-related
8. You are always Daydreaming about The Monkees
9. You wear your hair tied back in a tight ponytail just like Micky wears his


10. You start using Monkee-related handles in chatrooms ect.
11. You find yourself in poetry class writing poems about the Monkees
12. You have Every Monkees album you can get your hands on
13. If you don't have all of The Monkees albums you would do mostly ANYTHING to get them in your posession
You are always using Monkees quotes, even if they make absolutly no sense at all
14. When you see records you already know the color of the Monkees records so you don't even bother looking at the other records
15. When you see an oldies CD you don't buy it unless it has a Monkees song on it
16. When you see a picture of Davy you fall in love instantly and have stars in your eyes
17. Your walls are covered with Monkee pictures so that the wall can't be seen in between the pictures
18. You make silly web pages like this one
19. You isolate yourself and turn up the volume on your record player as loud as it will go
20. You write letters to television stations demanding that they put The Monkees on
21. If someone insults The Monkees you immidately tell them that whatever they said was not true and threaten to beat them up
22. you own an electric guitar like the one Mike plays in the Justus video and don't even know how to play it ...*hmmm maybe you need a few lessons from Mike*
23. You make a string of love beads that are light blue and white like Davy's and NEVER take them off


24. If you are in a school chorus you bug the director to let the chorus sing The Monkees songs
25. If the choral director doesn't let you sing The Monkees songs you burst into a fit that can only be stoped when you hear a Monkees song
26. You know EVERY word to EVERY Monkees song that you have ever heard
27. When you see something or hear something you try vigorously to figure out how it is related to The Monkees
28. When you go to a concert you threaten anyone who sticks their head or hands up so that you can't see your favorite Monkee
29. you become insanely jelous of friends who have been to Monkees concerts while you haven't *for those of you who have friends that have been to concerts, i know how you feel*
30. you would beat up the guard at the backstage gate to the point that he needs plastic surgery to look normal again if he tried to stop you
31. if you think you even have a chance to go to a concert you bug your parents to take you until they give in ...*this actually works*
32. after the concert, if you are following a Monkee to see what hotel he is staying at and someone passes you, you would total their car as if you were in a dimolition derby to get back behind the Monkee
33. you know EVERYTHING about the Monkees and could be a living encyclopedia about them
34. if you don't know how to type you have managed to learn how to type words like Monkees,Davy, Micky, Peter, Mike,Love Beads, Wool Hat, Tambourine, Ect...without looking at the keyboard
35. you have memorized ALL of the URLs to the best Monkees pages
36. you go to the Monkees web pages and read them many times every day
37. it becomes a part of your daily scedule to wake up, look at a picture of your favorite Monkee, put on your "official Nez green" wool hat, and turn on your favorite Monkees song while proceding with your day
38. you have invented your on Monkee-related colors. Your colors consist of the following:

Love Bead Blue, Nez Green or wool hat green, tambourine brown, Tork Orange *thought that one up myself* early morning blue and green, various shades of gray

39. you put things like this all around the picture of your favorite Monkee on your web page
40. if you saw the picture of Davy in the December issue of Star magazine,you will notice that he is standing beside Maureen McCormick. when you see pictures like this of any Monkee you immedatly wish to be the person standing beside The Monkee or if you have a scanner you cut out the other person in the pic and put yourself in the pic

41. You DRIVE your friends and family nuts about the Monkees
42. In your car, you listen to the Monkees
43. When a Monkee song comes on...your HEART goes crazy
44. When you hear a Monkee song(examples: work, school, etc.) you dance around and sing along until the song is over
45.You kiss all of your Monkee pictures(example: before you go to school, before you go to bed, etc...)

46. You love your FAVORITE Monkee no matter what(example: Mickyfreak's favorite: Micky)

47. Your doctor can't cure your Monkee disease that you have

48. You write stories about you and the Monkees

49. On your birthday, Christmas List, etc.. you always write Monkee stuff that you REALLY want

50. You begged your parents to go to a Monkee concert

51. You are begging your parents to go to one of Davy's concerts and/or Peter's this year(IF THEY ARE IN YOUR STATE and/or in a town close to yours)

52. You will always be a fan of the Monkees...even after they are gone

53. You jump and down on your bed when you play some of your favorite Monkee songs

54. You kiss your favorite Monkee pictures that you have(Example: Mickyfreak's: Micky)

55. You have a stuffed animal named after one of the Monkees or all of the Monkees

56. Your walls in your room look like an array of Monkees wallpaper

57. you would do ANYTHING for any one of the Monkees

Thanks for taking the time to read this, if you can think of anything you would like for me to add just E-Mail me and i'll put it up.
Heres a List of the People that have contributed to the obsession signs, if you want to see your name here E-Mail me some obsession signs.
Mickyfreak contributed obsession signs 41-54. Thanks Mickyfreak:)

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