We know that you want to know something about us, the Forever Family, so here's a small account of us and what we are into. We officially began 25 months ago. At that time we had already grown form five to fifty people. Now there are at least 3 to 4 hundred of us that are really into our group. We have meetings in Allentown now of about 2 to 3 hundred. And if the Lord tarries and we stay-.- faithful, you'll see us have meetings. from 2 to 3 thousand right here in Allentown!
We are into doing what the churches are supposed to be doing, but they aren't. We're into actually showing young people how Jesus wants us to live. Although there are countless Sunday schools, religious education programs, parochial systems, but the end result of it all is that there are dismally few converted and committed and purposeful Christians-coming out the other end. We want to be faithful to Jesus' will and to show in every way the right example to other kids.
As it is, very few kids actually see any meaning in life. They can say their catechism, but they really don't care. They see no point in disciplining themselves because they gave no purpose nor goal in sight. So they'll like their parents will eventually settle into the same old cycle of so called life, the pointless treadmill. Only Jesus can save them out of this and set them on their feet and send them on their way to a real heaven.
The problem is that kids today just plain aren't really and believably taught and shown about what the new birth actually is according to Jesus' teaching. The older generation considers "religion" an unpleasant and necessary duty to be performed and forgotten; so how can kids see any meaning in that? Kids are more honest than that. Kids are at the age where they are looking for meaning and direction; but they are being starved by the older generation who just want the kids to grow up and be like them.
We are into fellowshipping with each other. That is, really being
open to each. other and being one in Jesus. We try to avoid games
as much as possible. We fellowship with Jesus and his word. We have
no formal religious program what-so-
ever. In fact, instead of asking kids to come to our church,
we tell them to come to our party, because use we really have fun when
we get together. Nobody ever said it was boring.
We are Orthodox, Catholic, and Apostolic in our doctrines. We are
bold and open and direct in speaking the gospel. By God's special
gift to us we have great insight into human nature so that we are able
to speak to people in their hearts.
Since many people, especially older people, like to hide and play games,
we follow Jesus' example in witnessing and progressively draw them our
more and more until their real thoughts are exposed. Then we compare
these with scripture to their faces. They they usually stamp their
foot and throw a tantrum or else they get saved !
We are into truth and we love it. For our direction we look to our savior
and shepherd, Jesus. And we never look to our earthly leader.
For example, we look to the early Christians, the so called
"Church Fathers;" such as Polycarp,
Justin Martyr, etc. Those who fought the good fight and resisted the
Devil and his tricks even to the shedding of blood. If you
want, sometime in your assembly, the Forever Family will do a play for
you on the life, work and martyrdom of Justin Martyr. It's really interesting
and as Christians, you would learn alot. It is based largely on his words
and the rest is history
We are in our third year now. We aren't the Jesus movement. We denied that way back then. The Jesus movement is over, dead and deprogrammed, and good riddance! But the Forever Family keeps right on growing. We have spread to sixteen other cities and right now every week at least 15 to 20 kids get saved. We've only begun to take root and grow.
The Jesus freaks are gone too. The cat-gut strings on the guitars have broken, the flowers have wilted, the smiles and bubbles about Jesus have faded and popped. The Jesus-freaks have grown up and found out that their trip wasn't enough. Their Jesus never existed. But the real Jesus, the one of the gospel, the one we serve, is a man of sorrows and grief. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. And he cares about us very deeply. He is very heavy and we learn about him only in the Bible. Mostly the gospel and prophets. Those that serve him must follow him, if we don't suffer with him, be assure that neither will we reign with him. Today, in our society, it's so easy to follow him. There are not lions to be thrown to by a vengeful government, no racks and fires with which to be tortured and no laws against faith in Jesus. But, there is still a little price we must pay; though it is small enough when compared with our early brothers-and sisters and our Savior! Along with their continual heavy physical persecution, they were mocked and derided by worldly people around them who were convicted of their evil, unbelieving way of life by the very presence of the early dedicated Christians.
We too, who are born again, have been made Children of God: who have been saved by faith and the precious blood of Jesus; who have been converted from dead works to living faith and who thus openly proclaim the word of truth ot a hostile world, who warn of hell fires for the careless and heavenly rewards for the faithful and who live separated from the foolishness of this transitory world; we also pay a small price but are not worthy to be compared to our rewards! Praise God! Jesus directly promised that we also would be hated just like him and would have nothing but trouble in this world. Then he told us not to care about it because he himself is going to take care of us and bring us out of all our troubles.
People laugh at us all the time, they lie about us, try to hurt us in every way that they can . . . lately even physically! We ask people to come. to our meetings to see if we are crazy or not; but they won't be fair. We aren't crazy, we just want them to be fair. We just trust Jesus for real. We don't rely on our tricks to solve our troubles like everyone else does. When you are saved, the Holy Spirit gives you the power to directly trust Jesus and he come through all the time. Jesus told us that the Devil is real and we know that he's the one behind all our problems. So we don't lose hope either because, Jesus proved that he is bigger and better than the Devil.
We realize that this paper doesn't explain all about our group; but we
hope that it starts to. Our reasons for coming to and talking to
you about are group are many; but by far, the most important one is that
you might get saved while you are young. And specifically, we would
like you to understand what the new birth really is so that you can reborn
yourself. We invite you to come to our meetings.
P.S. Jesus Christ Super Star is garbage!, and Central Catholic
High School
should have their spiritual heads examined for allowing that trash
to be shown.
It is more than trash, it's just plain making fun of Jesus! Don't
lead kids astray!