
June 28

     "But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs."
                                                              exodus 7: 12
This incident is an instructive emblem of the sure victory of the divine
handiwork over all opposition. Whenever a divine principle is cast into the
heart, though the devil may fashion a counterfeit, and produce swarms of
opponents, as sure as ever God is in the work, it will swallow up all its
foes. If God's grace takes possession  of a man, the world's magicians may
throw down all their rods; and every rod may be as cunning and poisonous as a
serpent, but Aaron's rod will swallow up their rods. The sweet attractions of
the cross will woo and win the man's heart, and he who lived only for this
deceitful earth will now have an eye for the upper spheres, and a wing to
mount into celestial heights. When grace has won the day the wordling seeks
the world to come.
The same fact is to be observed in the life of the believer. What multitudes
of foes has our faith had to meet! Our old sins --- the devil threw them down
before us, and they turned to serpents. What hosts of them! Ah, but the cross
of Jesus destroys them all. Faith in Christ makes short work of all our sins.
Then the devil has launched forth another host of serpents in the form of
worldly trials, temptations, unbelief; but faith in Jesus is more than a
match for them, and overcomes them all. The same absorbing principal shines
in the faithful service of God! With an enthusiastic love for Jesus
difficulties are surmounted, sacrifices become pleasures, sufferings are
honors. But if religion is thus a consuming passion in the heart, then it
follows that there are many persons who profess religion but have it not; for
what they have will not bear this test. Examine yourself, my reader, on this
point. Aaron's rod proved its heaven-given power. Is your religion doing so?
If Christ is anything He must be everything. O rest not until love and faith
in Jesus are the master passions of your soul!
                CHARLES H SPURGEON