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My Virtual Photo Album

I don't know who come up with it but I thought this was a pretty good saying,

If riding in an airplane is flying, then riding in a boat is swimming. If you want to experience the element, get out of the vehicle.

This is where I'm getting out on the wheel to get ready to get a grip on the wing strut to get ready to bail off.

This is the last few seconds before I let get go. a>

This is the picture that everyone thinks I'm praying but I'm just really thinking about what I'm fixing to do so I don't KILL MYSELF!!!

This is my jumpmaster Dee Barger, in the middle is my dad ,Buster Hampton, a.k.a. yoda, and that is me on the right.

This is where Dee is telling us what to do if our parachute gets tangled up and doesn't inflate. Hope your reserve chute opens pretty much.

This is where where Stan Hubbard tells us if you make a turn too low to the ground you might break your leg or something.

Of course this isn't me skydiving, but it is me showing off in Biology.