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Fight Fatigue and Headaches With Iron

Iron for Energy

Iron has many functions in the body but the most important job is to transport oxygen in red blood cells to produce energy. Too little iron can make you feel cranky and tired, give you headaches and a tendency to feel cold.

Iron deficiency and the anemia that results is a common nutrition disorder all over the world, even though iron is a mineral that's widely available in foods, and needed in only small amounts. Those at highest risk for iron deficiency are: infants and children with picky eating habits; women with heavy menstrual losses; pregnant women; strict vegetarians; and chronic dieters or those with eating disorders.

What to Eat

Iron rich foods from animal origins, like beef, poultry, pork, egg yolk and liver are easily absorbed by the body. Iron rich foods from plants, like beans, whole grains, dried fruit, spinach, collard greens, fortified cereals and nuts are not absorbed so easily. To compensate for this, eat both types of iron rich foods together, or serve the foods of plant origins with foods that are high in vitamin C (tomatoes, broccoli, berries, citrus and bell peppers). For example, drink a glass of orange juice with your iron-fortified cereal, or add chopped tomatoes to your bean soup. Avoid drinking coffee or tea with meals since they interfere with the absorption of iron. If you think you might be anemic, ask your doctor to check your iron level before self-prescribing iron supplements - there can be multiple causes of anemia or related symptoms.

Here's an example of what a 30-year old woman could eat to meet the daily iron requirements of 15-mg.

1 cup fortified bran cereal (8mg)
1 cup spinach in a salad (1.2 mg)
½ cup dried apricots (3.6 mg)
3 ounces lean beef (3.0 mg)

Life-Stage Daily Requirements for Iron
Infants 0-6 months: 6 mg
Children 6 months - 10 years: 10 mg
Males 11-18 years: 12 mg
19-51+ years: 10 mg
Females 11-menopause: 15 mg
post menopause: 10 mg
pregnancy: 30 mg
breastfeeding: 15 mg
