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Guidelines For Estimating Portion Sizes

If you have trouble managing your weight you may not realize how much you're eating. Many people with weight problems underestimate the amount of food they eat by as much as one-half. The following guidelines should give you a better idea of appropriate portion sizes. Use these to assist you in meal planning.

3 ounces of meat, poultry, or fish = the palm of your hand, or a deck of cards, or a cassette tape
1 cup of potato, pasta, or rice = your fist or a tennis ball 1 ounce of cheese = a pair of dice or the length of your thumb
1 medium fruit = your fist

More tips to control portion size:

- Use smaller plates and dishes so your portions won't look lost.

- Don't measure your food every time you eat. Instead, measure your dishes, bowls and glasses one time to get a general idea of how much they contain. After that, visualize those measurements each time you eat.

- Check yourself occasionally to prevent slipping back into bad habits.

