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Center for Physical Trace Research
Director Ted Phillips
It has been nearly 24 years since the original “trace catalog” was published.
Two fellow travelers have passed on, J. Allen & Mimi Hynek.
This older work & any present or future work is dedicated to their memory.

As stated in 1975, what appear to be UFO traces are quite varied yet remarkably consistent.
The objects fall into three general groups:

1. Small Hemispherical/Spherical Objects, from 4 feet to 12 feet in diameter, 4 ft to 5f ft thick, glowing brightly
at night & showing a metallic surface in daylight.
They rarely touch the ground but remain stationary 1 feet to 5 feet above ground surface.
External details, such as “vents” or “extensions” are often reported on the base of such objects.
They are reported as silent, whistling, humming, or rumbling.
These objects generally leave behind 4 feet to 12 feet circular areas which are depressed, burnt  or dehydrated.
Considerable tree damage is usually found in the immediate area.
Animal & human reaction is often reported.

2. Egg-Shaped Objects, 16 to 20 feet in length with visible landing legs, generally four, on occasion six.
Generally silent, humming or whistling sounds.
These make ground contact, leaving burnt areas & imprints, some tree damage.
Small beings are often reported.

3. Typical Flying Saucer, 30 feet to 40 feet in diameter, three landing legs, touch the ground & leave burnt or
depressed areas with an irregular configuration.
Landing imprints are found, in some cases considerable external features are seen on the objects.
Small beings reported.

Other traces of great interest involve powdery material & liquids.

After 30 years of research it is obvious that UFO traces represent the most direct approach to resolving the UFO mystery. When multiple witnesses observe an object on the ground, less than 50 feet away with no engines, no wings, no visible means of propulsion, they have, with their observation, eliminated many natural or conventional explanations.
When they leave traces behind, we have something tangible to examine long after the object is gone.
I believe the data indicates constructed machines under some sort of intelligent control which can interact with their surroundings in a very physical way. What these machines are or where they might originate are open questions.
These questions simply cannot be answered by ignoring the facts.

Comments from the Director,

Ted R. Phillips, March of 1999

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