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This is a lot of fun to use!

SALT DOUGH 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup salt 1/2 teaspoon powdered alum 3/4 cup water Mix all ingredients completely with hands. (If dough is too dry, work in 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons water.) Form shapes as desired. Mark all details (facial features, clothing and the like) on surface of dough with wooden pick or sharp knife before baking. To Roll: Roll dough 1/8 inch thick on lightly floured board. Cut with cookie cutters or cut around paper patterns with sharp knife. To Mold By Hand: Form dough inso shapes (flowers,fruits, animals, storybook characters) no more than 1/2 inch thick. To Hang Ornaments: Cut fine craft wire 1 1/2 inches long and twist several times to form loop; spread ends apart slightly and insert into unbaked ornament so that only loop shows. Or make a hole 1/4 inch from top of ornament with end of plastic straw. To Bake: Heat oven to 250 degrees. Place ornaments on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake until completely hard and dry, about 2 hours. Remove from cookie sheet; cool. When cool, rub any rough edges with fine sandpaper until smooth. If desired, outline designs or other details to be painted with pencil. Paint with plastic-based poster or acrylic paint. Allow paint to dry. Place ornaments on waxed paper and seal by spraying with clear plastic (polyurethane) or brush with clear shellac. Makes about 5 dozen 2 1/2-inch ornaments There's no need to make all the ornaments at one time. Wrap any extra dough in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and refregerate; use within 2 weeks.

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