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2007 Governor's Inauguration Party
Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA


The Partytime Band

January 8, 2007, the Partytime Band rocked the Georgia World Congress Center
in celebration of Governor Sonny Perdue's 2006 re-election.

It was a great party with three national acts,
The Drifters, The Swingin' Medallions, and The Tams.

The Partytime Band was essentially there to keep the music going
between acts. This allowed us to have a stage dedicated to us(!)
as seen here:

At 7:00PM the doors were opened and I stepped behind the keyboards.
Here's a shot of my keyboard rig, ready for the sound check:

Equipment: Kurzweil K1000, Roland JX-8P which serves as
the MIDI controller for a Yamaha MU90R. All keyboards are routed through
a modified Star Systems CS-1204 mixer and Alesis Microverb III.
Miscellaneous: Yamaha pedals; Horizon cables.
Not shown: Peavey TNT 130 amplifier (stage monitor).

At 8:00PM, the lights came up on the main stage for The Drifters...

...followed by The Swingin' Medallions at 9:00.

According to the Swingin' Medallions' website:
"There were around 10,000 people in attendance
and they were ready to party, even though it was a Monday night."

Between 10:00-10:45PM, The Partytime Band kept the music flowing
until The Atlanta Tams took the stage
(and graciously thanked us for keeping the party going).

Governor Sonny Purdue and Georgia's First Lady, Mary Purdue
joined the Tams onstage for "What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)".

Following The Tams, the lights came up on the PTB stage one more time
and we closed the show at just before midnight...

Overall, a great experience, a lot of fun, and the thrill-of-a-lifetime
for the old keyboard player...

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