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Dave's guide to college wining and dining

Well, this is my attempt to make this the most useless web page in existance. I may have actually gotten more dumber making this thing. This is a badass list of food and drink required to make it thru 12+ hours of credit (MCC excluded - heehee). Section 1 is food you can bring back in yer dorm room, next is the fine list of establishments students frequently visit, and the last is the drink section. Don't be shocked that there are some alcoholic beverages listed - you know me, don't you? These are actually links to other websites - go learn something.

Edibles that you can take home with you (they do expire, however)

The KRAFT homepage - they make more stuff than you think
The Nissan homepage - Pay homage to Ramen noodles, Dammit! You wonder where they come from, don't you?
How Ramen can save the world - This is one of the funniest things I have ever read
Keebler - Don't hate on the elves - I had no idea there was such a thing
Little Debbie - Where I can attribute 15 lbs or so...
MARS - They make a lot of different stuff too
Nabisco - See above
SPAM - The COOLEST food EVER that NOBODY eats - I wonder how that works?

A list of the finest dining establishments college students can afford

Taco Bell - I thank them for the mixing cups, but I dream of running over the damn dog
KFC - I want to meet the colonel
Hardees - Woe to those who have not had a Frisco burger
Mickey D's - Grimace kicks Grover's ass
Wendy's - Dave Thomas is my real dad
Burger King - currently boycotted by the Lambda Chi's due to cancellation of 99 cent double cheeseburgers
Long John Silvers - I don't think anyone eats here, but better safe than sorry
Pizza Hut - I got your big New Yorker right here
Domino's - The Heat Wave keeps your pizza hot, but it still tastes bad
Papa John's - The garlic sauce is really liquified heart attack
Subway - Do yourself a favor and get a Pizza Sub
Blimpie - Would be good if not for stingy arab that puts 3 slices of meat on the sub
Mr. Goodcents - Woe to those who haven't had an 18 inch Turkey sub

Assorted beverage to quench (or perpetuate) your thirst

Pepsi - I will start a movement to bring back Crystal Pepsi
Coke - Isn't it time for them to come up with something new
Surge - I got just 1 word for ya : KERMIT!
Gatorade - I wanna be like Mike : Retired, that is
Budweiser - Truly the King of beers
Tequiza - Adopted by Me and Mike as our new fav beer
Red Dog - Their caps get funnier as you get drunker....
Heineken - At least foreigners can do something right...
Old Mil - the staple of a poor man's drinking habit
Jose Cuervo - Only other Mexican I know both names is Juan Valdez
Tequila - it's an empire
Jim Beam - This stuff is pretty nasty.....
Ale Street News - Probably more than you'll ever need to know about beer