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The ultimate mixed beverage...KERMIT THE FUDGE!

This page is a tribute to the greatest alcoholic beverage ever, called Kermit the fudge. You will get tired of saying that, so just shorten it to Kermit. Kermit was made in the fall 1998 semester. The inventor is one Jonathan David Williams, the man up at SFA. Whomever wishes to pay homage to is greatness for inventing such a beverage can E-MAIL him at:


Anyways, the story is that he was somewhat drunk and needed another tasty carbonated substance to fulfill his alcohol intake, so he started mixin stuff, and voila! We have Kermit. It is now the official mixed drink of Lambda Chi Alpha here at Jewell, and the official drink of any kind in Room 407 of eaton hall. Anyways, here is the recipe, always modifiable to suit your alcohol tolerance. Oh yeeah, don't drink and drive or get drunk with strangers. Life's hard enough on everyone without doin dumb shit like that.

INGREDIENTS per 12 oz. can of SURGE

1 12 ounce can of SURGE
The equivalent of 4 shots of Vodka (more or less, depending on taste and intent)
The equivalent of 3 shots of MR & MR'S T's SWEET AND SOUR MIX or HOLLAND HOUSE TOM COLLINS MIX
A cup and some ice and stuff


1.Put ice in cup
2. Put ingrediants in cup

It's just that simple. You will never need anything else to drink ever again. Well, beer is okay once in a while, but it sure tastes bad after drinking this. Be sure to pay homage to Jon, as this is and will be the greatest accomplishment in his life. Ever.

Top ten reasons why Kermit the Fudge kicks ass