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Sports : America's distraction for middle class problems

Hey - this is the sports page. There a few rules to this sports page, however. First, the links are divided into the Main sports and the extreme sports. I hold the final judgement on what is or is not a sport. Golf, Bowling, Tennis, Swimming, Archery, LaCrosse, Badminton, Aerobics, or anything of that nature are not sports. Wrestling IS a sport because 1) I said so and it's my site, and 2) The performers in the ring are Athletes, which connotates a sport, even though it's fake. This gives me leeway on Rollerjam as well. You can send in suggestions for specific sports teams, or if I mistakenly forgot a sport (Soccer will be added shortly). However, on this site, there will never be any: 49ers, cowboys, packers, broncos, chiefs, seahawks, chargers, dodgers, padres, rockies, diamondbacks, anything close to NBA, Red Wings, of Flyers. Anything else may be negotiable.

The Trendy Sporting Community of Anywhere, USA

ESPN - A little something for everyone
Baseball - It's Spring Training baby!
NHL - The guys who deserve their money the most
NFL - Draft in April!!! - Someday my fan loyalty will be rewarded...
SFGiants - see above. At least this team overachieves....
NASCAR - I'm not sure if driving around in a circle for hours is a sport, but why not?
MSL - Soccer is a pretty cool sport. Kansas City got Alexi Lalys - The dude who looks like that Spin Doctor guy!
Arena Football - smart guys. They run half as much and they got nets to keep the ball on the field

Extreme Sports - Why yer mom won't let you watch ESPN2

WRESTLEMANIACS - The ultimate site. It's a sport, I tell you!
Rollerjam...Think American Gladiators + Jerry Springer. This is entertaining - check it out
RHI - Roller Hockey to start a new season in June
More Roller Hockey - Not sure if this is the same stuff though
Rollerblading - The ultimate in-line page. Stuff I'd be doing if I was skinny
ASA - The official in-line tour
Skateboards - Why can I never stay up on one?
Big - a place for boards...(wake/surf/snow/skate)
Adventure Time - if it's been done, it's here. Look up Sky Bungee Wake Vert Freestyle Luge Doubles...or somethin...