You heard what the man said: You live forever, you drink blood, yadda yadda yadda. I'm not going to waste my time explaining this one to you. It's not for everybody, but if you're into that stuff, I say go for it.
A lot of people would kill to be a vampire. Who wouldn’t, with all the perks: power, sex, money, immortality...but how does one really go about becoming an elite member of the undead?
I Wanna Be a Vampire answers all your questions and gives you current, inside info on becoming the vamp you always wanted to be. Where does one find a genuine vampire? How do I make a good first impression? Do I really have to live in a graveyard? All of these questions and more are covered in IWBAV. So fish out all your black clothes, max out your credit cards and give away your pets, because you’re about to start your Unlife!