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Serious Stuff

Allright. Here's the lowdown, yo. You may be asking, what in the hell is this page about? Why did I make this? What is its ultimate PURPOSE?

Well, I'm not ENTIRELY sure there is one, but I'm gonna try my best to make it sound like there is.

I started this page one night a couple years ago because I was bored. And depressed. (Who, ME???) Yes way. Anyhow, it started out halfway serious but it's evolved into more and more of a joke. As I hope you could tell!

OK, here's to settling some wonderings: I guess I would classify myself as a "goth". But you might not know it from looking at me in the street. I think I come off more as looking 'artsy' or something. Privately I like the terms 'technogoth' or 'classygoth'. I don't pile on the black makeup or wear lots of fishnet and lace (except at the club!) I think I WOULD more often, but for some crazy reason people think it's SILLY (or shocking/trashy/weird/freaky/scary/stupid/insert your own negative adjective here). Go figure. I got sick of the staring. I try to aim for a happy medium where I look gothy, enough to be happy with what I'm wearing and for other goths to recognize me, and also as to not freak out the "regulars". ;P

A reason that I keep this site up (with admittedly very sparse maintenance) is because even if you think of yourself as "goth", most of y'all need a better sense of humor! A lot of goths are way too stubbornly into the being depressed thing. A lot of others have that holier-than-thou attitude thing going on. To those I say, respectively, "Lighten up" and "Get off your High Horse, Wearing All Black Does Not Automatically Catapult You Into A Higher Social Class!"

Now I'm going to get a ton of email from all these goth protesters. I'm not anti-goth! In fact,I know a lot of the bad rap comes from non-goths views/treatment of goths. So to those of you who are NOT goths, I say, dispel the myth that all goths are depressed, all goths want to die, all goths are Columbine-esque-shooters-just-waiting-to-happen, all goths are into freaky sex, all goths are doing drugs, all goths accept Marilyn Manson's lyrics as gospel. Just not true. Many goths are artsy, many are expressing their displeasure and rejection of contemporary society/culture, many are just introspective. Some just like the fashions! Most goths I know are very intelligent, insightful people who are not very impressed by Marilyn Manson. Many AREN'T depressed. Many are straight-laced sober. Many (gasp!) enjoy plain old missionary position sex! And, I would bet that many,many famous artists, writers and musicians in history would be "goths" if they were alive today.

I also make fun of Christians here not because I don't think everyone should have their right to an opinion, but BECAUSE I think everyone should have their right to believe what they want! Unfortunately it seems to be a Christian tradition to trek on and blaspheme anyone else's religious beliefs. I KNOW not every Christian is like this, but it seems to be a running theme of the Church in general. To those fantatics I also say "Lighten Up!" AND "Get off your high horse!" No matter what anyone says, I don't believe it is possible for us here on Earth to truly know for certain what, if anything, happens after death. So it REALLY REALLY bugs me when people CLAIM to know, 100% certain!

So, to draw to a conclusion, I guess this site is here as both a parody and a tribute to "gothiness". It's not real serious, it's just for fun.

I'd like to hear YOUR thoughts. Email Me.

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