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TThe Senior Trip
June 6-13

Front row from left to right: Erin, Brooke, Melissa, and Whitney.
Back row from left to right: Derek, Ryan, Chad, Damon, Scott, and Brian

Well this is a brief rundown of what happened on the trip from my memory. Keep in mind that some of this is a little memory ain't what it use to be and I'm doing this a month after the trip. Well, enjoy!


Here we are at the airport in Nashville.

Our Senior trip started out on June 6, at 4:00 a.m. We left then from Ryan's house and headed to New Madrid to pick up the rest of the crew. The crew consisted of ten kids (Ryan, Chad, Scott, Brian, Damon, me, Brooke, Erin, Melissa, and Whitney) and five adults (Ryan's mom, Erin's mom, Melissa's mom, Whitney's mom, and my mom). Then we were on our way to Nashville. We made it on board our ship, the Sensation, in the mid-afternoon. The guys soon found out that we couldn't purchase alcohol on the boat. That night the guys proceeded to begin their unsuccessful ventures in the casino, while the girls found a new home in the dance club.


If you can't tell, Scott has just won.

This is us at the first formal dinner.


The next day was a day at sea. We slept kinda late and the guys returned to the casino for the day, while the girls worked on their tans. The dinner this night was a formal dinner and the guys were in white tuxes and the girls were in prom dresses. After dinner we went to the casino once again. Then we watched a comedian. After that, and after we stumbled across some *cough* rum *cough* and most of us ended up in the dance club or the casino.


This is right before we left Grand Cayman.

This is Ryan sporting his detachable pants after dinner Tuesday night.

The next morning we arrived at Grand Cayman and we stayed on the beach all day. Some snorkeled, swam, parasailed, layed out, and we played volleyball. We got back on the boat in the afternoon and I think we went back to the casino. After dinner this night we went to watch a comedian for the after dinner show, and enjoyed it so much that we watched his midnight show. The "McMahon Band" as we called them, opened for him. He was a funny guy.

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