Federation is an online game that I first played a couple of years ago when it was on AOL, quit, then restarted in early March '99. It is a text-based Role-Playing Game, which means you have to type commands...a lot. The point of the game is to make money, measured in IGs(Imperial Groats). You do this by hauling cargo, trading on interplanetary exchanges, buying a company and obtaining factories, buying a planet, and eventually becoming a Duke an getting your own duchy or group of planets. To sign up, go to International Broadcasting's web site(link at the top of the page), click on SIGN UP, and go from there. In the field marked "Buddy Name", put Pkerensky(my Fed name), because that way I get free time for telling you about it(if you so choose). If you need any help, contact me or one of the people below who have helped me become a Squire.
The People Who Have Helped Me Out The Most.
THE RANKS(from highest to lowest)