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Author's Bios

Gene-Michael Higney

can be found at these websites and addresses:
Braincandy E-zine

Clay Sikes

is a commercial real estate broker by trade, using the internet extensively in his practice. Another essay is being published byanother Webzine . It is scheduled to be published on April 1st in addition to a short story is being published by Savannah Magazine in early 2000.

Greg Miller

lives in Seattle. He rides the bus fairly often. Today, on the #3 from downtown, he heard two men discussing the relative merits of plastic bags. One man held up his brand-new Bartell Drugs sack--"Now this is a PROFESSIONAL bag." This is his first published work.

short stories can be found here

Patrick Seguin

was born in Montreal, Quebec, and was raised in Ottawa, Canada. After twenty-four years spent looking for a way out of his hometown, he ended up teaching English in Brno, Czech Republic. A year and a half later, he decided to move to Prague to continue teaching. Now, at the age of twenty-seven, he is planning on returning to Canada, bringing with him a corroded liver, crusty arteries, a smoked heart, charred lungs, and one hell of a ringing headache; along with a lot of good memories and a definite intention of returning to do it all again. Oh, yeah, and he writes too.

Adriana Lynn Blake

is a 34 year old free-lance writer from the Northwest. She has published locally, and in a few national poetry anthologies, and given a reading at a cafe' in Portland. Adriana has written a non-fiction mixed genre manuscript under a pseudonym, that she is working to get published, as well as a children's book in her own name. She looks forward to writing much more non-fiction, fiction, and children's literature, and focuses on the non-fiction. Adriana graduated from Portland State University (OR) with a social science degree in 1991, and has been pursuing a graduate degree in counseling until illness took her out of school in late 98'. She continues to battle the illness, thought to be myasthenia gravis, and write as she is able. She published one work in the Neurology section of the WebForum, titled, "Wrecking Ball," which is her first poem regarding her illness which keeps her confined to a powered wheelchair.

James Bear

graduated from Valley City State University in Valley City, North Dakota with a BS in Education. He is currently teaching English at Plaza High School in Plaza, North Dakota. He is married with a 1.6 year old daughter.

He currently is not published anywhere else on the web. The Inane Intelligencer, though, is going to publish some of his stuff.

Kamala Parker

was born in Norfolk, Virginia in 1964. She grew up under the influence of a large metropolitian area. She fell in love at 15, and experienced her first heartbrake at 17. Poetry was something she had been called to do since age 14 and many pages poured out of her broken heart. At 19 she joined the US Marine Corps, traveled to Asia, then 5 years later joined the US Coast Guard and traveled to Europe. She finally landed in Puerto Rico, and lived there for seven years, buying land and building a house. One afternoon in that house, she was robbed at gunpoint and discovered two truths. First, she is not afraid to die, second, she would not have died happy. Within one year she moved from Puerto Rico and established a new home in Galveston Texas. This is when "Storm" was written. She is currently persuing her writing "career', gathering all her poetry for her own anthology and enjoying the creative demand of her first novel.

Ellen elizabeth Kashk

is a local resident of North Bergen, NJ. She enjoys "Art" in all forms. As an international traveler her work reflects different dimension, of space and culture. Her works are done in oil, acrylic, and water colors. She has shown her work along the boardwalk of Wildwood, NJ, where she received honorable mention. She has shown her work at "The Cathedral Arts Festival" sponsored by Grace Church in Jersey City, Edgewater Annual Arts & Crafts Festival. She loves to combine her love of the "Arts " in several forms. She is also a published poet and reads with "The Rift" Magazine in the local area. Ellen elizabeth' swork can be viewed at several Internet pages. , , to name a few.

Lisa Marie Brennan

is 21 years old and has been writing since she was about seven years old. In the last 5 years she has been published in over 100 magazines, books, newspapers, journals, has one song and poem on tape, has one poem and song on a religious gospel show, and more. She has recently published an 82 page book of poetry that has been selling well titled, "Read Me A Poem." The book includes over 70 of Lisa's poems. The book's cover was drawn by her 18 year old brother Jesse, the book is also going to be republished and will soon be available to order through any bookstore or library. You can order the book directly from Lisa by e-mailing her at: Also check out her website here

Nita Ramsey

is a free-lance writer and full time mother of four children (five if you include her husband). She is a former pre-school teacher and when not playing chauffer to her family she works on material for current pre-school teachers to use in the classroom. Nita is also currently writing a children's book while attending classes at a nearby college. Late at night when the work is finished, you can find Nita in the Days of Our Lives chat room in Talk City.

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