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Eighteenth Missouri

((This is an excerpt from "The Eighteenth Missouri",
written by Leslie Anders.))
Chapter IV, Page 92.

"On August 25th there occurred a calamity in D Company. Seven men, venturing beyond the regimental picket line in the woods west of Corinth, were ambushed and captured by Rebel guerillas. Privates Thomas Brooks, John W. Logsdon, John Leech, Wilson McClure, John W. Thomas, Henry D. Valentine, and David F. Clary were taken prisoner, and the rumor spread through the camp that at least six had been summarily shot. It was a typical wartime rumor. All of the men eventually were paroled and exchanged, but most of them were gone until winter."

Footnote 22 states that the information was obtained from (1) Muster Rolls. (2) Letter, D.W. to Isabella Pollock, August 25, 1862. (3) Henry Valentine and Thomas Brooks Pension and Military Records.