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The following is the Roster of Officers aboard the U. S. S. North Carolina. I am not sure of the date this list was in effect, however, I do know the booklet I got the list from says the ship was put into duty in 1908, and the last date mentioned is 1918. This information comes from a small booklet I found among my grandfathers things. It says "U.S.S. North Carolina, Regulations on Transport duty", on the front. It has a picture on the inside frontispiece of:
My belief is, this may be the ship my Grandfather, John H. Hance, went to Santiago, Cuba on, during the Spanish American War.

  • Captain W. D. MacDougall....USN
  • Commander E. Friedrick....USN
  • Lt. Comdr. B. K. Johnson....USN
  • Lt. Comdr. M. J. Peterson....USN
  • Lt. Comdr. W. E. Brown....USN
  • Lt. Comdr. G. L. Woodruff....USN
  • Lt.Comdr. E. F. McCartin....USN
  • Lieut. E. A. Foote....USN
  • Lieut. J. H. Duncan....USN
  • Lieut. E. E. Duvall....USN
  • Lieut. (T) A. Hasler....USN
  • Lieut. (T) E. G. Higgins....USN
  • Lieut. (T) R. B. England....USN
  • Lieut. (jg) (T) A. R. Chandler....USN
  • Lieut. (jg) O. A. Stewart....USN
  • Lieut. (jg)(T) H. A. Anderson....USN
  • Lieut. (jg)(T) A. J. Courtney....USN
  • Ensign (T) A. H. Westaby....USN
  • Ensign (T) A. McK. Willson....USN
  • Ensign (T) A. F. Soukup....USN
  • Boatswain C. G. A. Halwartz....USN
  • Lt. Comdr. (MC) R. F. Jones....USN
  • Lieut. (MC) M. T. Clement....USN
  • Lieut. (MC) R. W. Belknap....USN
  • Lieut. (jg)(DC) M. P. Kane....USNRF
  • Lieut. (jg)(PC) F. P. Kenny....USN
  • Ensign (T)(PC) E. C. Middleton....USN
  • Lieut. (jg)(CC) B. C. Clausen....USN
  • Gunner R. B. Leaver....USN
  • Machinist (T) L. F. Voit....USN
  • Carpenter (T) G. D. Forsyth....USN
  • Ensign R. H. Schooley....USNRF
  • Ensign T. J. Farley....USNRF
