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In case you can't read it, this says "PUSHMATAHA LODGE #20, K. of P., ATOKA IND. TERR."On the reverse, this medal is a separate black ribbon, with white lettering, that says "IN MEMORIAM" at the top. Then the Pushmataha info is repeated at the bottom. If anyone has any knowledge about this article, I would appreciate hearing from you. You can write to me at this address;

Thanks to the kind people of the Knights of Pythias organization, I have received numerous responses to my question. I want to thank everyone very much for helping me out. I will leave this up in case anyone else might have the same questions.

Here is one of the many responses I received regarding this medal:

"This is a ribbon that was made and sold to members beginning in the 1890s, I believe. It could be worn with the colored side out while going to lodge or visiting other lodges or as an identification item in public. The black side was worn while attending memorial services for a deceased brother, during memorials while at lodge, or worn at lodge for a period of time following a death while the charter was draped in mourning.....These were made and sold to many different fraternal organizations. On the antiques market, they sell from $10.00 to $50.00 depending heavily on the overall condition.....Hope this answers some of your questions."