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The Pond

The Pond

The Pond offers a place for solitude
Its life offers our soul contentment
For we can sit and wonder about things
My mind is unleashed in the awe of its beauty.

I look down into the water,
My image stares back at me
Ruffled by ripples of a cool breeze
That dances across the surface.

Children have played near its shore
Discovering one of natures beauties
Engrossed in the ponds offerings
Running, singing and playing

I sit and wonder,
How has my life come to this point?
I was singing one day
And now I’m crying.

I look at the children playing
And wonder why we can’t keep
Their joy of adventure
They’re simple pleasures of life.

We always need more and more
Nothing is ever enough
For we may have the keys to the kingdom
And be too busy to know it.

We think that we know all the answers
And have our plans all drawn out
But our wisdom fails to see
The detours along the way.

When the detours fly in our face
We curse God for making us pay
For our live we feel
Should be perfect in every way

So I sit here and wonder
I know now that life's many turns
Cannot be anticipated or planned
Only accepted.

March 14, 1999
