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The Porch

A vacant porch
Inhabitants removed
I watch out the window
A gentle breeze blows
The swings rocks

Holding her hand
Losing my soul In her eyes.
We talked of dreams.

Yesterday we went to the park
Today we sit here swinging
Tomorrow’s possibilities are endless.

I glance out the window again
A young couple
Her belly growing
Plans are being discussed.
A gentle breeze blows,
The swing still rocks.

Again, I glance out the window
Bikes resting on the walk
A father and son
Rock in the swing,
Baseball glove in hand
Numbered shirt on chest
A gentle breeze blows,
The swing still rocks.

One more time, I glance
Dirty shoes resting on the side.
Shep curled up on the welcome mat
Nose tucked in under paw
Waiting for eternity to end.
A gentle breeze blows,
The swing still rocks.

I sip my coffee and look again
The porch is full
Lies abound, Dreams are found
Stories are told, about young and old.
Children sit upon the steps
A gentle breeze blows,
The swing still rocks.

I blink my eyes and renew my glance
A vacant porch
Inhabitants removed
I watch out the window
A gentle breeze blows,
The swing still rocks.
And I remember.
