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*~DREAMING~* =o)

Once upon a time, I slept and drempt... of a massive dragon. He was huge beyond all imagination. At first, I was frightened by the creature. He was intimidating and a stranger to me. I was alone, on a cliff. As I looked up, I saw the monster flying, diving in my direction. I immediately ducked, lowering myself behind a bolder. Peeking from behind to see what task the dragon was persuing and hoping that I wasn't, that..task. I felt his breath, heated and stout, as it brushed over my skin. Startled as I realized, after focusing better, that the dragon was looking into my eyes... I stepped backward...
The dragon then spoke to me, with his mind. He was flying over, and saw me, and thought that I was beautiful. He apologized for scaring me and begged my forgiveness. I had to stop, and ponder what was happening...never had anyone spoken to me in such a manner before. I was reading his very thoughts and he could read mine. I again, was startled when he gently stroked a strand of my hair from my shoulder.
Strangly, he was a very gentle creature, nothing like what I had imagined. He encouraged me to come out of hiding...and sit and talk with him. Reluctantly, I obeyed. Climbing upon the rock so I was closer to his eye level. What was I thinking??? Suddenly frightened again. What was I doing??? Trusting this Who could easily take my life with one quick slap of his wing or talin. Or worse yet, make cynder of me with his fiery breath. He knew of my fear and said to me, that never would he harm one so lovely as myself. This didn't take the fear away, but did make me a bit more comfortable in his presence.
He told me his name. And ask that I speak it to no one. Knowing a dragons true name would lessen his powers among enemies. I was flattered he felt the desire to share this with me. I promised never to speak his name. I then told him my name....which he repeated in his mind...caressing it with warmth. Never before had I felt anyone take such pleasure in me. His eyes lingered over me...again, he touched me. This time, with his claw. I flinched. But, he didn't seem to mind. He realized that he was strange to me. He sat with me for hours, and we spoke of many things. So intelligent was he. I sat mezmorized with his thoughts of life and love and lonliness and battles and death. We talked until far into the dusk hours. I was beginning to chill for the gown I had been waring wasn't meant for night-time weather. He asked if I were cold. I said that I was, somewhat.
Without another thought, he slipped a wing beneath me and gathered me up...flying, high. I tensed in his grasp, but he said soothing words of comfort to me and made me at ease. Within minutes, we were landing. He sat me down, with great gentleness, upon a patch of green moss.
Motioning to a cave just beyond us, he said this was his home and welcomed me to come inside. I walked into the was so dark and cold. How would he imagine this would make a better place for me? Instantly, he heard me and made a fire in the middle of the large rock room. Oh, the talent of dragons! I too, fancy the warmth of the fire, he said. A small smile danced upon my lips... What a wonderful, friendly animal he was. And, in the firelight, he was strangely handsome! What was I thinking? Was I dreaming all of this??
I moved closer to the flames. He sensed my questioning. And answered to me....'If this is a dream, would it be any different from reality? For what isss reality, if its not a dream within our minds?'
He settled in just beyond the flames, but within reach of the fires' warmth and welcomed me to join him. I went to him, and he snuggled me into the warmth of his body, craddling a wing about me for cover. Never, in my whole life, could I remember being this relaxed, comforted, this protected. This loved. We spent more time, talking about endless topics. I was fascinated by him. His greatness, his wisdom.
Then, I slept.
Within my dream.. that night, I slept in the arms of my dragon. A dream, within a dream, within a dream of a dream, of reality. I've never forgotten my dragon... although, I have managed to forget his name. I know that he's still with me, and that one night, he'll return to talk with me again.

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