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'an it harm none, do what thou wilt'

What is Wicca? The word 'Wicca' means, 'wise one'.
Wicca is an earth-based religion. Its often refered to as the 'old ways', since it has been rekindled from the ancient times prior to that of the Christian era. People have always known we have a greater force, a diety, a creator, a God. In the Wiccan tradition, the diety is recongized and worshiped for all of the traits, attributes and power that it posseses. In Wicca, as much homage is given to the female side of God, as there is to the male. God is both, male and female....a balanced diety. Much like that of a ying-yang. All things in our life has an opposite. Night-day, male-female, black-white, etc. So, it makes sense to think of God as a equal, balanced force. When Christianity came into existance, they ,for the most part, done away with the female side of God. During the Christian era, the Church tried to convert everyone to the new religion. Since the churches were in the towns, the hardest people for the church to convert were the country dwelling people. This is where the word 'pagan' came into existance. Anyone outside of the town, were pagans, or country-dwellers. It was harder to get information out to them, travel and communication were limited. It was hard to get those people to stop worshiping God the way they were used to. They needed God to bless them, to continue to make their crops flourish, to bless them with off-spring, bountiful harvest and milk producing livestock. Their livihood depended on farming thru the summer and harvesting in the fall and having enough stored to last thru the winter. They watched the moon phases and used the phases and the seasons to know what conditions were best for planting crops, breading animals and such. They were used to worshiping in their own fashion. These pagans celebrated what are known as Sabbots. Many of the customs of the Sabbots were inner-twined with Christian traditions in an effort to bring more people into the new church. For example, during Ostara, pagans would celebrate and enact rituals to bring forth fertization for their land. The church adopted this into the time of Easter. Why do you think we use eggs and rabbits? Both were used as symbols of fertility. Which has nothing to do with the Christian's reason for celebrating Easter, which is, the resorrection. We still follow many pagan traditions today, without giving it much thought.
Wicca, gives those things thought. Wiccans recongnize the activity of the moon, sun and seasons. They are earth conscience individuals. Many are herbalist, kitchen-witches, healers, animal activist and the like.
Nothing in Wicca is negative. Only positive ideas and deeds are encouraged. 'Harm none' is the rule of thumb. Wiccans believe in reincarnation. Therefore, the idea of heaven and hell are nonexistant. So, the silly notion that Wiccans would worship satan is comical. Satan was invented by Christians as a means to fear its followers into steering clear of evil deeds. The picture most of associate with the Devil is a constrewed version of someone's imagination.
Throughout the ages, we have been aware of the Greek, Roman, Celtic, Welsh and so forth and their belief in many dieties. They recongnized God as having many 'faces', many attributes and in doing so, named them seperately. Different cultures had different names for a diety with the same characteristics. This is very normal and would be expected. In my opinion, we all worship the same God. There is only one God. How we choose to worship and honor God varies, as it always has since the beginning of time. (whenever that was)
Spells? Certainly Wiccans partake in spellcrafting. Why wouldn't they? A spell, is nothing more than a prayer. However, strong will, intent, concentration and meditaion accompanys the prayer. Making it more powerful then merely kneeling and asking for something. We, in asking, should be putting forth our efforts too, instead of just waiting for God to drop what we want into our hands.
There are many different paths in Wicca. Much like different denominations within the Christian faith, Wiccans have variations as well. Well-known branchs are Gardenerian and Alexandrian traditions. Those were a couple of the first groups to bring the Wiccan religion back to light within British and American lands. Eventually, other branches were developed. Not all Wiccans follow a particular path. Some are 'eclectic', meaning they have studied and read and have come to an understanding within themselves, taking parts of all the traditions and made it their own. The world is filled with Solitary Wiccans. One does not have to be a part of a coven in order to make use of their ritual work and to be a very dedicated Wiccan. Not all pagans are Wiccan. I feel like Wicca is a division of the old Celtic and Welsh traditions. One example of an alternate path, would be the Druid. Very close to the beliefs of Wicca, yet having its own origins set deep in history, causing a few variences.
I hope this sheds a little light on what Wicca is about. If you'd like to mail me with questions, I'd be happy to correspond with you.
Love and Light, ~Moonchild

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