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Our Diety: God and Goddess

There are many faces or attributes of our God. Throughout the ages, many cultures and socities gave the Gods and Goddesses various names. I've selected a few that I'm rather fond of and wish to share some of their knowledge with you. This is, by no means, even close to all the gods and goddesses that are strewn throughout our history. Since the beginning of time, God was named. Personally, I dont feel the 'need' to give God a 'name', but I do love the attributes of God and therefore celebrate them by names that were given to them previously thru time. Since much of history was passed thru oral traditions, many of the stories we have today are altered somewhat, but the jest of the original story remains the same.
It is said, that the Celts left little written history and therefore we are unsure about the exact practices and beliefs of the Druids and such. However, since the Christian faith was being pressed by the Roman Catholics in the land, any writings that were done in those days, were passed off as 'myths and fairy tales' in order for those who chose to write them, not to be persecuted. In the times of early Celtic tradition, men and women were equals. They shared chores, child rearing, battles and entertainment right along beside eachother. Therefore, Goddesses were held in high esteem, just as the male God figures were. It wasn't until Christanity stamped out the role of the female, that Goddess worship was no longer allowed. Since women had to take a backseat to the men in society, their worship had to be taken underground for fear for vengence from the King. The male Druids were still allowed to practice in public, while the females were not. This is where Wicca came into the picture. (also called Witta, which decends from Irish culture.)
It wasn't until in the 1950s that this religion came back into view under the Neo-pagan light, brought back largly by a man named Gerald Gardener. Later, after starting several covens in Britain, Wicca moved to the US with some help by people such as Raymond Buckland, Doreen Valiente and Alex Sanders, to name a few.
First and foremost, Wicca IS a religion. God/dess is alive and magick is afoot! Blessed Be!!


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