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Movies like Harry Potter, lots of Disney Films, and Lord of the Rings have always made their dollar not from the movie itself, but merchandise.I enjoy movies and I have no problem with the making of money off of other ventures, it's the way that they go about putting all these gifts, toys, and other related items out. It's gone way out of hand. Many of them are high priced, highly likely to be made in a sweat shop where a 12 year old girl would have to work for five years to buy what she makes everyday, and sometimes the quality isn't all that great. Why do we buy these things? Perhaps we have kids that whine and beg because the commercials looked so cool. Perhaps we are children ourselves and can't help but buy on impulse. There are so many reasons we buy those useless things that a child might be entertained for a couple of weeks and then want something else and the companies know this and know that there are parents and die hard fans that will pay almost any price for what they or their kids want. The generation of pre-teens today (and perhaps some even younger) seem to be the most spoiled. Not all of them, but many. Most of them get what they want, whether it's to impress friends, or they just know when their parents will give in. I'm not a parent yet, but when I bring a child into this world, I don't want him or her to be burdened with all this hype over materialism that exists now. I believe that there is no better time than now to learn to say no, mean it, and not give in. Do you agree with me? Then right-click on the image above and forward it to your friends and explain to them what it stands for. Post it on your page so ppl can click back here and read what you read. Get the message spread!


In short, do you really wanna pay $40 for a cute lil dragon that moves, but only hisses at you?