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Alexander "the grape" Greenwald

1. did you wait in line for star wars(phantom menace) tickets and/or see it on it's first day of release?

I waited in line with friends of mine overnight to get tickets. I did this to be nice, knowing fully I'd be in Japan for opening night. I think that will answer the other half or that question...

2. do you have any compulsive habits? (i.e constant handwashing, repeating a task over and over..)

Oh God.... I can't stop answering these email interviews. I stay up morning noon and night... I just can't get enough...

3. How long have you been playing your instrument and do you play any others?

Well, that's kind of a private question, and I's appreciate you not asking. It's a very sensitive subject. psyche. I started playing Guitar when I was ten. I also play the Piano and the Drums - but my Forte is Guitar.

4. What's the worst movie you ever paid money to see in the theater? (ex. stop or my mom will shoot..even if estelle getty's in it..that is no excuse!)

I can't think of any at the moment... I might have said "Titanic" had I paid to see it.

5. Favorite book: (try hardest to narrow it down)

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym

6. A song you would like to cover:

That Mr. Big song that goes: "I'm the one who wants to be with you." I bet it's called "Be with you" or "I'm the one"

7. Do you sleep in jammies or do you crash in what you wore that day? If you wear jammies....any interesting print? (i.e ninja turtles, plaid)footies?

I wear a snuggly warm coat of armor to bed every night.

8. Anybody sleepwalk?

When I was younger I used to sleepwalk occasionally.

9. Name a guilty pleasure (ex. the t.v show Small Wonder, a crush on a spice girl etc.)

Well, sometimes I take pleasure in leaving some answers blank...

10. Which is a better Fred Savage movie: Little monsters or The Wizard?

C'mon! Everyone knows that "The Wizard" is far better than little monsters. Both of them include saving little brothers don't they?

11. If you were the mother (in your case pretend it's the father) in The Good Son, who would you drop, Macauly Culkin or Elijah Wood?

I would drop both of those adorable little munchkins, and watch them hit the soft soft pillows they are over.

12. Have you seen all the Nightmare on Elm Streets? And if so which is your fav?

I have seen most, and I think that my favorite might be part 3

13. Fav. 80's flick?

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

14. What was your favorite band in the fifth grade?

Motley Crue.

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