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Jacques "j-bird" brautbar

this picture is like a fine wine that ages with time...

1. did you wait in line for star wars(phantom menace) tickets and/or see it on it's first day of release?

Yup. 12AM on teusday.

2. do you have any compulsive habits? (i.e constant handwashing, repeating a task over and over..)

Counting syllibles on my fingers...and mispelling words.

3. How long have you been playing your instrument and do you play any others?

I've been playing guitar since I was 12. I also play the piano, bass and I can sing. I used to play the saxophoine and violin, but that was a while ago.

4. What's the worst movie you ever paid money to see in the theatre? (ex. stop or my mom will shoot..even if estelle getty's in it..that is no excuse!)

"Mad Love". I walked out on it after twenty minutes.

5. Favorite book: (try hardest to narrow it down)

I still have fond memories of "the phantom tollbooth" name only one.

6. A song you would like to cover:

"Since I've been loving you" by Led Zeppelin

7. Do you sleep in jammies or do you crash in what you wore that day? If you wear jammies....any interesting print? (i.e ninja turtles, plaid) footies?

I wear flannel pants and a white T-shirt to bed usually--depending on the weather. If its warm, just boxers.

8. Anybody sleepwalk?

I don't think so

9. Name a guilty pleasure (ex. the t.v show Small Wonder, a crush on a spice girl etc.)

why do pleasures have to be guilty?

10. Which is a better Fred Savage movie: Little monsters or The Wizard?

Little monsters...but then again, The Wizard did premier the power glove and Mario three so, I guess its a toss up. Oh..has anyone ever rented The Wizard, and gotten Wizards, the cartoon, instead? It hgappened to me once. I was very upset.

11. If you were the mother (in your case pretend it's the father) in The Good Son, who would you drop, Macauly Culkin or Elijah Wood?

I never saw the movie...but I would probably drop'em both.

12. Have you seen all the Nightmare on Elm Streets? And if so which is your fav?

no. I strongly dislike horrow films....with certain exceptions.

13. Fav. 80's flick?

I guess its true eh? 80's are coming Hide me! "Better off Dead"-starring John Cusack and the guy who played "bugger".

14. What was your favorite band in the fifth grade?

fifth grade? I have no clue. Probably metallica, or Guns N Roses.

go home!