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Sam "is love" Farrar

1. did you wait in line for star wars(phantom menace) tickets and/or see it on it's first day of release?

yes. jacques and i got in line at five for a midnight showing and the line was already 3/4 the way around the block. it's a nerdy thing to do, but it's star wars. it was quite fun.

2. do you have any compulsive habits? (i.e constant handwashing, repeating a task over and over..)

i take a lot of showers. mostly one a day, but sometimes two or three. but i really can't survive without one. oh . . this is a good one . . i take out the keys to my car from my pocket at least five minutes too early, end up putting them back in my pocket moments before i reach the car. it's odd really.

3. How long have you been playing your instrument and do you play anyothers?

i've been playing bass for nearly five years now. played guitar for four years before that. been playing a lot of drums recently. got an electronic set for my birthday. quite fun. need to learn piano though.

4. What's the worst movie you ever paid money to see in the theatre? (ex.stop or my mom will shoot..even if estelle getty's in it..that is no excuse!)

leonard part 6, or recently . . . the mummy. walked out of leonard. stayed to see how terrible the mummy would actually get.

5. Favorite book: (try hardest to narrow it down)

Lord of the Flies, i think. I recently read the Stranger by Camus, that was quite good as well.

6. A song you would like to cover:

Tennessee by Arrested Development.

7. Do you sleep in jammies or do you crash in what you wore that day? If you wear jammies....any interesting print? (i.e ninja turtles, plaid)footies?

actually i sleep in boxers or nothing at all.

8. Anybody sleepwalk?

not in a really long time.

9. Name a guilty pleasure (ex. the t.v show Small Wonder, a crush on a spice girl etc.)

jennifer love hewitt

10. Fred Savage movie: Little monsters or The Wizard?

the wizard. loved that movie.

11. If you were the mother (in your case pretend it's the father) in The Good Son, who would you drop, Macauly Culkin or Elijah Wood?

culkin. he's done for now, i think. mr. wood seems alright.

12. Have you seen all the Nightmare on Elm Streets? And if so which is your fav?

no, i actually haven't. but roommate has it so i'll watch it sometime.

13. Fav. 80's flick?

secret of my success.

14. What was your favorite band in the fifth grade?

def leppard.

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