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Why? I ask myself sometimes...

This page was created for the purpose of amusing ourselves and anybody who is bored. We have always had an odd sense of humor when it comes to PP and thought we should mesh our favorite topics with our fav. band. Thus, getting a daily show approach to the lives of these 5 dudes. (nice use of 80's slang**gives self high five..haha)

We understand that a real serious fan may take some of our humor to heart (some of the comparison articles soon to be posted)...we would like to remind you this is all in fun. We really dig phantom planet...we just need to let out our kooky thoughts.

Feel free to e-mail comments, suggestions, or the current whereabouts of the old 80's actor Barret Oliver. (Neverending story, The Secret Garden, D.A.R.R.Y.L)

Go home!!
